Mega Releasegamecube_modification+gamecube Bootcd


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GameCube bootcd v.2.0 (USA)



This CD is for use with NTSC USA consoles only, it will NOT boot on JAP

or PAL models.


First off about the GC hardware, or better yet it's media. Yes the

games are mini-dvds (not CDs) which means the GC is actually a DVD ROM

and as you guessed it can read CDs :)

You will need to burn this bootable ISO onto a blanl mini-CDR, you can

find the media at most places such as, generally these

mini CDRs are sold for mp3 players.

Now the second issue of what this bootcd does, currently it plays GC

import games (defeating Nintendos regional lockout) and also will play

non bootable CDR copies. Currently there is NO support for DVDR copies

so you will have to RIP the GC DVD's onto a mini CDR and play it.


GC DVD2CD Ripping

STEP 1: Copy all the files from the GC DVD onto your HDD.

STEP 2: right click on the folder and see how big it is. You need

to rip it onto mulitple mini-cdrs.

STEP 3: You must seperate the game into CDs, create a folder and copy

some of the files into it (to the capicity of a mini CDR) I think they

are about 300mb so you'll be making quite a bit og folders and CDs !

STEP 4: Do this for as many times as needed, it doesn't matter what

data goes on what CD but it DOES matter that you copy EVERY file.

STEP 5: With all directories made burn each one onto a blank mini CDR.

I know it's a lot of work and uses a lot of those mini cds but it is

the way to play copies :(

STEP 6: Burn all of them onto as many mini CDRs as needed and don't

forget to burn the GC bootcd to (if you don't have it burned already).

STEP 7: Stick in the bootcd into the GC and turn it on. Options menu

will come up, select "GC Copies (multiple)" and the screen will say to

"insert CDR #1" the order doesn't matter just instert the cds and keep

following the instructions until you have loaded them all into memory

and it starts up.

You may want to pick up a DVD ripping app from

© 2001 Da-Expert

Take apart the GC console.... remove the heatsink which is attached by gray, gooey heat dissipating polymer to the

chips below to reveal the pcb location shown. Locate the resistor block at R39 and attach two wires to the center

solder point pair at R6. Wield your iron deftly or you'll melt and dislodge the adjacent resistors on the block.

Connect the wires to a switch as shown below. If using a SPDT switch, simply connect the wires to the available

terminals and you're done. If using a DPDT like we are, follow the wiring conventions shown. That's it. Done. NCS

takes no responsibility if you toast your GC when doing this mod, but given the relative simplicity, we doubt many

GCs will be rendered into boxy doorstops.

Je vous tiens au courant suite aux test queje vais faire sur ma GC US

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A mon avis tu vas bousiller des mini cdr pour rien...

Rien qu'imaginer le nombre de mini cdr qu'il faut pour un seul jeu :

180 mo pour un jeu de 1.5 G, ca te fait deja 9 mini cds à graver.

(les miens font 180 mo, je sais pas si il y en a des plus gros)

et vous savez vous comment graver un fichier sur plusieurs supports ???

apres faut tous les faire lire au gamecube selon lui,

je pense pas que la mémoire de la console lui permette de retenir tous les cds...

enfin rien que la date "2001", si ca marchait on le saurait depuis longtemps.

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Maxi grosse connerie ce truc !

Un lecteur dvd lit pas forcemment les cds !

Un lecteur dvd deja ca a 2 lentilles ! ( vivi ) pour pouvoir lire les dvd doubles couche.


Donc c'est pas vraiment la meme structure ( la gamecube n'a qu'un laser donc mono couche )

C'est donc pas aussi simple.

Ensuite : STEP 1: Copy all the files from the GC DVD onto your HDD.

Il est comique lui, je le met dans mon grille pain le disque ?

Et pi : STEP 7: Stick in the bootcd into the GC and turn it on. Options menu

will come up, select "GC Copies (multiple)" and the screen will say to

"insert CDR #1" the order doesn't matter just instert the cds and keep

following the instructions until you have loaded them all into memory

and it starts up.

Bah dit donc ! Elle a une sacrée mémoire son cube !

Les temps de chargement seraient inexistants si on pouvait charger un jeu complet en mémoire ...

Bon pi doit y avoir d'autres trucs foireux mais j'ai la flemme :P

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