Probleme Emulateurs

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Je veins de passe sur avalunch que je trouve super mais le seul probleme c'est que depuis je n'arrive plus a faire marche les emulateurs N64 Neo geo etc .............

J'ai supprimer et re installe les emulateurs et ca ne change rien

Il demarrent et puis c'est figer ??????????

Merci pour votre et bon week end Pascal

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tu as bien la version avalaunch 49.3 ?

dans ton avalaunch.xml, est ce que la ligne emulateur, pointe bien le bon chemin vers les fichiers emulateur placé sur ton hdd ? (le raccourci qui permet à avalaunch de trouver les emulateurs)

parceque y a pas de raison que ça ne marche pas si tout est bien renseigné.

bonne paques à toi aussi


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Et bien bonjour et merci pour ta reponse

tu as bien la version avalaunch 49.3 ?

oui bien sur

dans ton avalaunch.xml, est ce que la ligne emulateur, pointe bien le bon chemin vers les fichiers emulateur placé sur ton hdd ? (le raccourci qui permet à avalaunch de trouver les emulateurs)

oui il les trouvent mais au lancement il fait un flash ecran il c'est bloque

bonne paques à toi aussi

merci si tu as une autre idee

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Hello TXTbox

Pourait tu m'aider SVP car je seche

Comment doit etre mon avalaunch.xml pour que les emulateur marchent

<!--example config file-->



Name of language file. Leave out this setting (or type "default")

for English language.






<sntp enabled="0">








<network setup="1" type="static">











<proxy enabled="0">













<voiceserver enabled="1">




<ftpserver enabled="1" allowboostmode="1" showrootfreespace="0">
















To enable launching of the last launched XBE when you hold

the left trigger while booting Avalaunch, set this setting

to 1. Otherwise, set it to 0.





<righttrigger enabled="0">






<abutton enabled="0">






<bbutton enabled="0">






<xbutton enabled="0">






<ybutton enabled="0">







<user name="Default" password="">

<skin name="Xecuter3 blue"/>



Specify whether or not to mount drives

If omitted the F:\ drive will be mounted by default

If omitted the G:\ drive will NOT be mounted by default


<F enabled="1"/>

<G enabled="0"/>




Specify your preferred onscreen keyboard

1 = original keyboard from xb-ftp

2 = original keyboard from xToolBox

If omitted the keyboard will default to the first one


<keyboard type="2"/>


Specify your preferred IR remote sensitivity in milliseconds

If omitted the sensitivity will default to '230'


<ir-remote sensitivity="230"/>


Specify the preferred transparency to use in the

different 'windows' (IRC, telnet, autoupdate)

Can be a value between 0 and 255 - where 0 is full transparency

If omitted the transparency will default to '136'


<window transparency="136"/>


Specify the preferred color of your led when idle and busy.

LED color can be one of the following





If omitted the color will default to green when idle and red when busy


<led idle="green" busy="red"/>


Specify how the screen saver should act


0 = don't enable the screen saver

1 = enable the screen saver

If omitted the screen saver will be enabled by default


specify the number of seconds to wait before the screen saver is activated

If omitted the delay will default to '300'


<screensaver enabled="0" delay="10"/>


Specify whether the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)

should be loaded as the background or not


0 = don't download the Astronomy Picture of the Day

1 = download the Astronomy Picture of the Day

If omitted the Astronomy Picture of the Day will not be downloaded by default


0 = download the current Astronomy Picture of the Day

1 = download random (old) Astronomy Picture of the Day

If omitted the current Astronomy Picture of the Day will be downloaded by default


0 = don't display the official explanation for the Astronomy Picture of the Day

1 = display the official explanation for the Astronomy Picture of the Day

If omitted the offical explanation of the Astronomy Picture of the Day will be displayed by default


<apod enabled="0" random="1" explanation="1"/>


Specify whether or not videomode switching should be

allowed by using the controller


0 = don't allow switching

1 = allow switching

If omitted the video mode will not be allowed switched by default


<videomode enabled="0"/>



<backgroundmusic enabled="0" cdda="1" cdmp3="1">






<newsfeed enabled="1">

<source url=""/>

<source url=""/>

<source url=""/>




Specify how the launcher should display icons


0 = don't display icons

1 = display icons

If omitted the icons will be displayed


0 = don't rotate icons (fixed)

1 = rotate icons

If omitted the icons will rotate

override (uses avalaunch_icon.png/avalaunch_icon.jpg/<name>.png/<name>.jpg in that order);

0 = don't override icons

1 = override if no icon is embedded in the xbe

2 = always override

If omitted the icons will be overriden if no icons is embedded in the xbe


<icons display="1" rotate="1" override="1"/>


Specify whether or not the launcher should switch to the

video mode most suitable for the game as described

by the region (in the xbe) when launching a game


0 = don't switch

1 = switch according to the game region in the xbe

If omitted the video mode will not be switched by default


<videomode autoregion="0"/>


Specify whether or not the launcher should launch an external application

when an audio CD/DVD is inserted


0 = don't enable the audio player

1 = enable the audio player

If omitted the audio player will be enabled by default


specify the path of the audio player that will be launched

If omitted the path will default to C:\xboxdash.xbe


<audioplayer enabled="1" path="C:\xboxdash.xbe"/>


Specify whether or not the launcher should launch an external application

when a movie CD/DVD is inserted


0 = don't enable the movie player

1 = enable the movie player

If omitted the movie player will be enabled by default


specify the path of the movie player that will be launched

If omitted the path will default to C:\xboxdash.xbe


<movieplayer enabled="1" path="E:\apps\dvdx2\default.xbe"/>




You can specify which font to use in the irc client.

If omitted the font will default to 'lucon' size '12'


This font setting may be obsolete once the skinning engine

is implemented


<font name="framd" size="12"/>












You can specify which font to use in the telnet client.

If omitted the font will default to 'lucon' size '12'


This font setting may be obsolete once the skinning engine

is implemented


<font name="telnet" size="12"/>


not defined





You can specify which font to use in the main menu.

If omitted the font will default to 'framd' size '20'


This font setting may be obsolete once the skinning engine

is implemented


<font name="menu" size="20"/>


All menu entries has to be either an 'Item' or a 'List'


<list presetname="Games">


Path to the folder to scan for xbe's.

The attribute scanlevel sets the levels of

sub folders to scan from the starting point

If omitted sub folders will be scanned 2 levels 'down'

e.g.: <path scanlevel="2">E:\Games</path>

meaning that all default.xbe's in

E:\Games (level 1) and

E:\Games\<folder> (level 2)

will be included in the list


If you want to divide your applications into sub groups

you can add 'List' items to a list


<list presetname="Games">

<list name="Action">







<path scanlevel="2">













<list presetname="Applications">








<list presetname="Emulateurs">








<item presetname="File manager" function="FileManager"/>

<item presetname="IRC" function="IRC"/>

<item presetname="Telnet" function="Telnet"/>

<item presetname="Settings" function="Settings"/>

<item presetname="Restart" function="Restart"/>

<item presetname="Shutdown" function="Shutdown"/>




Pour info je lance les emulateur et apres ecran noir plsu rien

AIde moi SVP je ne trouve pas

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ba le truc c'est que je suis en vacances au ski et j'ai pas de xbox pour verifier avec toi....

cherche pas les racc démarre mais c'est l'emulateur qui plante au lancement.

le probleme ne peut etre que dans les parametres video d'Avalaunch.

va dans parametres main option et av setting apres regarde si t'es en pal I et que tout est desactivé (480p, 720p;1080i; widescreen, letterbox) et essaye

ou alors essaye en changeant certain parametres.

dsl mais j'ai que ma 360 sous la main et si t'arrives pas je regarderai sur ma xbox 1 en rentrant à paris la semaine prochaine.

a++ bon courage. toute façon c'est par là (video) alors tu vas surement trouver laisse tomber le xml il est correct ;)

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