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Tout ce qui a été posté par leelou

  1. Salut , Je t'ai envoyé un email Amicalement "leelou"
  2. Salut , Si ca t'interresse , je te fais le montage et je te fournie la puce réponds-moi en PM ou par email . Par contre va falloir te déplacer dans le 78 (yvelines) 15 minutes de Paris @++ Leelou
  3. Salut, étant un grand fan des jeux de caisses , je me demandais si ce jeu verrait un jour le jour ( facile ). Je crois que Titus ont fermé mais quelqu'un a t-il repris la license ... merci de vos réponses Amicalement Leelou
  4. ok impecc. , j'avais fais quelques fautes de ponctuation
  5. merci , j'essaye ca ce soir après le boulot B.aprem
  6. As-tu jeté un oeil dans les tutos , en cherchant bien tu devrais trouver ...ton bonheur
  7. Salutation j'ai une petite question sur le logiciel DVDX et Avalunch . j'aimerai savoir comment faire booter les DVD vidéo automatiquement sans avoir à lancer le logiciel je laisse mon fichier XML , si quelqu'un pourrait me dire quelle ligne doit etre modifier car ca ne fonctionne pas chez moi <!--example config file--> <avalaunch> <!-- Name of language file. Leave out this setting (or type "default") for English language. --> <language> francais.ini </language> <clock> <sntp enabled="0"> <server> </server> <port> 123 </port> </sntp> </clock> <network setup="1" type="static"> <ip> </ip> <subnet> </subnet> <gateway> </gateway> <dns1> </dns1> <dns2> </dns2> <proxy enabled="1"> <server> </server> <port> 8080 </port> </proxy> </network> <ftpserver enabled="1" showrootfreespace="1"> <port> 21 </port> <maxusers> 5 </maxusers> </ftpserver> <quickstart> <!-- To enable launching of the last launched XBE when you hold the left trigger while booting Avalaunch, set this setting to 1. Otherwise, set it to 0. --> <enablelastrun> 1 </enablelastrun> <righttrigger enabled="0"> <path> f:\games\ </path> <filename> default.xbe </filename> </righttrigger> <abutton enabled="0"> <path> f:\games\ </path> <filename> default.xbe </filename> </abutton> <bbutton enabled="0"> <path> f:\games\ </path> <filename> default.xbe </filename> </bbutton> <xbutton enabled="0"> <path> f:\games\ </path> <filename> default.xbe </filename> </xbutton> <ybutton enabled="0"> <path> f:\games\ </path> <filename> default.xbe </filename> </ybutton> </quickstart> <user name="Default" password=""> <skin name="Default"> <!-- Path to the skins folder, leave this alone unless you know what you're doing --> <path> media\skins\ </path> <!-- Filename of skin. If Avalaunch can't find the file specified, it will default to media\skins\default.skn, so don't delete that one --> <filename> default.skn </filename> </skin> <preferences> <!-- Specify your preferred onscreen keyboard 1 = original keyboard from xb-ftp 2 = original keyboard from xToolBox If omitted the keyboard will default to the first one --> <keyboard type="2"/> <!-- Specify your preferred IR remote sensitivity in milliseconds If omitted the sensitivity will default to '230' --> <ir-remote sensitivity="230"/> <!-- Specify the preferred transparency to use in the different 'windows' (IRC, telnet, autoupdate) Can be a value between 0 and 255 - where 0 is full transparency If omitted the transparency will default to '136' --> <window transparency="136"/> <!-- Specify the preferred color of your led when idle and busy. LED color can be one of the following off red green orange If omitted the color will default to green when idle and red when busy --> <led idle="green" busy="green"/> <!-- Specify how the screen saver should act enabled; 0 = don't enable the screen saver 1 = enable the screen saver If omitted the screen saver will be enabled by default delay; specify the number of seconds to wait before the screen saver is activated If omitted the delay will default to '300' --> <screensaver enabled="1" delay="300"/> <!-- Specify whether the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) should be loaded as the background or not enabled; 0 = don't download the Astronomy Picture of the Day 1 = download the Astronomy Picture of the Day If omitted the Astronomy Picture of the Day will not be downloaded by default --> <apod enabled="0" random="1" explanation="1"/> <videomode enabled="0"/> </preferences> <sound> <backgroundmusic enabled="1" cdda="1" cdmp3="1"> <path> f:\ma musique </path> </backgroundmusic> </sound> <launcher> <!-- Specify how the launcher should display icons display; 0 = don't display icons 1 = display icons If omitted the icons will be displayed rotate; 0 = don't rotate icons (fixed) 1 = rotate icons If omitted the icons will rotate override (uses avalaunch_icon.png or avalaunch_icon.jpg); 0 = don't override icons 1 = override if no icon is embedded in the xbe 2 = always override If omitted the icons will be overriden if no icons is embedded in the xbe --> <icons display="1" rotate="1" override="1"/> <!-- Specify whether or not the launcher should launch an external application when an audio CD/DVD is inserted enabled; 0 = don't enable the audio player 1 = enable the audio player If omitted the audio player will be enabled by default path; specify the path of the audio player that will be launched If omitted the path will default to C:\xboxdash.xbe --> <audioplayer enabled="1" path="C:\xboxdash.xbe"/> <!-- Specify whether or not the launcher should launch an external application when a movie CD/DVD is inserted enabled; 0 = don't enable the movie player 1 = enable the movie player If omitted the movie player will be enabled by default path; specify the path of the movie player that will be launched If omitted the path will default to C:\xboxdash.xbe --> <movieplayer enabled="1" path="C:\xboxdash.xbe"/> <videomode autoregion="0"/> </launcher> <irc> <!-- You can specify which font to use in the irc client. If omitted the font will default to 'lucon' size '12' NOTE! This font setting may be obsolete once the skinning engine is implemented --> <font name="lucon" size="12"/> <server> irc.homelien.no </server> <nick> _USER_ </nick> <altnick> _USER2_ </altnick> </irc> <telnet> <!-- You can specify which font to use in the irc client. If omitted the font will default to 'lucon' size '12' NOTE! This font setting may be obsolete once the skinning engine is implemented --> <font name="lucon" size="12"/> <server> not defined </server> </telnet> <menu> <!-- You can specify which font to use in the main menu. If omitted the font will default to 'framd' size '20' NOTE! This font setting may be obsolete once the skinning engine is implemented --> <font name="ft39" size="9"/> <!-- All menu entries has to be either an 'Item' or a 'List' --> <item name="Unleash" path="c:\unleash.xbe"/> <item name="Evolution X" path="c:\evox.xbe"/> <item name="Lecteur DVD" path="f:\Apps\DVDX\default.xbe"/> <item name="XBox Media Player" path="f:\Apps\XBMP\default.xbe"/> <item name="Xbox Media Center" path="f:\Apps\XBMC\default.xbe"/> <list presetname="Games"> <!-- Path to the folder to scan for xbe's. The attribute scanlevel sets the levels of sub folders to scan from the starting point If omitted sub folders will be scanned 2 levels 'down' e.g.: <path scanlevel="2">E:\Games</path> meaning that all default.xbe's in E:\Games (level 1) and E:\Games\<folder> (level 2) will be included in the list NOTE! If you want to divide your applications into sub groups you can add 'List' items to a list e.g.: <list presetname="Games"> <list name="Action"> <path> E:\Games\Action </path> </list> </list> --> <path scanlevel="2"> E:\Games </path> <path> F:\Games </path> <path> E:\HDDLoader </path> <path> F:\HDDLoader </path> </list> <list presetname="Jeux en reso"> <!-- Path to the folder to scan for xbe's. The attribute scanlevel sets the levels of sub folders to scan from the starting point If omitted sub folders will be scanned 2 levels 'down' e.g.: <path scanlevel="2">E:\Gamesreso</path> meaning that all default.xbe's in E:\Gamesreso (level 1) and E:\Gamesreso\<folder> (level 2) will be included in the list NOTE! If you want to divide your applications into sub groups you can add 'List' items to a list e.g.: <list presetname="Gamesreso"> <list name="Action"> <path> E:\Gamesreso\Action </path> </list> </list> --> <path scanlevel="2"> E:\Gamesreso </path> <path> F:\Gamesreso </path> <path> E:\HDDLoader </path> <path> F:\HDDLoader </path> </list> <list presetname="Applications"> <path> E:\Apps </path> <path> F:\Apps </path> </list> <list presetname="Emulators"> <path> E:\Emulators </path> <path> F:\Emulators </path> </list> <item presetname="File manager" function="FileManager"/> <item presetname="IRC" function="IRC"/> <item presetname="Telnet" function="Telnet"/> <item presetname="Settings" function="Settings"/> <item presetname="Restart" function="Restart"/> <item presetname="Shutdown" function="Shutdown"/> </menu> <mount> <F enabled="1"/> <G enabled="0"/> </mount> </user> <hardware> <fanspeed> 20 </fanspeed> </hardware> </avalaunch> merci
  8. leelou

    Pb De Musique

    Salut , qu'est ce qu'on doit désinstaller ou installer pour avoir de la musique ? a quelle ligne dans le config ? merci
  9. leelou

    Xbit Et V1.5

    Salut, bon console du Pack Halo\Mm3 avec Serial N° 33505 et FOCUS (v1.5) installation avec la vis (POGOPINS)en 5 minutes et bios M7 . marche impeccable Par contre ne pas oublier de changer les bios pour bien que le boot s'effectue http://www.dms3.com/xbit_bios_selection.htm