Update Irshell 3.62

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sur le forum un-officiel d'irshell, une update est apparue


Version 3.62 Release Note:

This is another maintenance release which fixes the incompatibility issues with CFW 3.52-3/4 from Team M33. To news posters, please retain the donation link.

New Features:

* Now fully compatible with Team M33 3.52-3 & 3.52-4 CFWs.

* Enhance the alarm clock function to support PSP suspend mode which means the alarm will still be triggered while your PSP is under suspend mode (sleep mode). The alarm volume will always be at max and is independent of your PSP volume settings. You will still hear the alarm even if you've muted your PSP volume. Thanks to Adrahil for providing the alarmlib source code to illustrate how the magic is done.

Work In Progress:

* The previous Youtube video by StoneCut showing the 2-player PS1 games via usbhostfs using 2 PC joysticks with remotejoy output is only a proof of concept. Having your PSP connected to a PC to play 2-player PS1 games may not be very useful.

I'm currently working on 2-player PS1 game support via 2 PSPs using WiFi adhoc and I need to purchase a 2nd PSP for testing. If you want to help, you can use the following link to make a paypal donation.

To show my appreciation, those who donate more than US$10 will be added to a private support forum from which you will have access to earlier beta builds and support. Since the release of iR Shell 3.6, I've received 2 donations. Thanks to Jeffrey Y. and Toan L.

If you'd like to see the previous 2-player preview video again then check here:

Donation Link:



donc quoi de neuf?

est bien une compatibilite avec les custom firmware M33 accrue, aini que le reveil utilisable meme en mode veille.

Une mis a jour pas tres importante vous allez me dire, mais ce qui est interessant, c'est sur quoi Ahman est entrain de bosse, notament la futur possibilite de jouer aux jeux ps1 a 2 en ad hoc et non pas en usbhost.

Merci Ahman, alors qu'il avait "aussi" dit qu'il arrete le dev psp........eseperant qu'il en sera de meme pour un autre devellopeur psp tres talentueux :rolleyes:

Modifié par tapioka
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