Un Boot Loader X360 Sur Le Net En Béta !

jo touriste

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salut !

sur le net j'ai trouvé ça !


/\__ _\

\/_/\ \/ __ __ ___ ___

\ \ \ /'__`\ /'__`\ /' __` __`\

\ \ \/\ __//\ \L\.\_/\ \/\ \/\ \

\ \_\ \____\ \__/.\_\ \_\ \_\ \_\


__ __ __ __ __

/\ \/\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \

\ \ \_\ \ __ __ _\ `\`\/'/'\ \ \____ ___ __ _

\ \ _ \ /'__`\ /\ \/'\`\/ > < \ \ '__`\ / __`\/\ \/'\

\ \ \ \ \/\ \L\.\_\/> </ \/'/\`\ \ \ \L\ \/\ \L\ \/> </

\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\/\_/\_\ /\_\\ \_\\ \_,__/\ \____//\_/\_\

\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\//\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/___/ \//\/_/

-----===== Team HaxXBox XBox 360 Bootloader v1.0 Beta =====----------

Random crashes and fire aren't the only problems with the new XBox

360! We have already discovered how to execute unsigned code by

playing a carefully crafted corrupt MPEG2 file! This allowed us to

craft a swap disc. We are releasing the bootloader right away because

we only have one 360 to use for testing, and we need feedback. We

will begin releasing game images shortly. Please run the disc, and

send an email describing your results to thblfeedback@cryptomail.org.

How to use:

Step 1: Burn to DVD-R media using Alcohol 120%

Step 2: Begin to play this disc just like a DVD movie.

Step 3: After the into, wait for the countdown. After the countdown

finishes, a short starfield clip will play and freeze. At this point

the boot loader will run, and prompt you to swap in another disc.

Step 4: Eject the boot loader, put in your own disc, and enjoy!

-----===== Team HaxXBox XBox 360 Bootloader v1.0 Beta =====----------

Props to Kalisto and Paradox!

Slops to Microsoft's crappy coders in Bangalore!

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salut !

sur le net j'ai trouvé ça !


/\__ _\

\/_/\ \/ __ __ ___ ___

\ \ \ /'__`\ /'__`\ /' __` __`\

\ \ \/\ __//\ \L\.\_/\ \/\ \/\ \

\ \_\ \____\ \__/.\_\ \_\ \_\ \_\


__ __ __ __ __

/\ \/\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \

\ \ \_\ \ __ __ _\ `\`\/'/'\ \ \____ ___ __ _

\ \ _ \ /'__`\ /\ \/'\`\/ > < \ \ '__`\ / __`\/\ \/'\

\ \ \ \ \/\ \L\.\_\/> </ \/'/\`\ \ \ \L\ \/\ \L\ \/> </

\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\/\_/\_\ /\_\\ \_\\ \_,__/\ \____//\_/\_\

\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\//\/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/___/ \/___/ \//\/_/

-----===== Team HaxXBox XBox 360 Bootloader v1.0 Beta =====----------

Random crashes and fire aren't the only problems with the new XBox

360! We have already discovered how to execute unsigned code by

playing a carefully crafted corrupt MPEG2 file! This allowed us to

craft a swap disc. We are releasing the bootloader right away because

we only have one 360 to use for testing, and we need feedback. We

will begin releasing game images shortly. Please run the disc, and

send an email describing your results to thblfeedback@cryptomail.org.

How to use:

Step 1: Burn to DVD-R media using Alcohol 120%

Step 2: Begin to play this disc just like a DVD movie.

Step 3: After the into, wait for the countdown. After the countdown

finishes, a short starfield clip will play and freeze. At this point

the boot loader will run, and prompt you to swap in another disc.

Step 4: Eject the boot loader, put in your own disc, and enjoy!

-----===== Team HaxXBox XBox 360 Bootloader v1.0 Beta =====----------

Props to Kalisto and Paradox!

Slops to Microsoft's crappy coders in Bangalore!

info deja donner, c un fake ^^

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Arrete di pas ca!

Un jour jai choper un virus, ca me mettait un fond d'écran gai au démarage, et impossible de le changer, je supprimai tout mais ca revenai tout le temps

Un jour ma mere allume me pc et le voit, le soir elle vient me voir et me dit : tu sais il faut pas tout essayer, c'est pas parceque tu vois quelque chose qu'il faut l'essayer.

La honte! Je vien de me souvenir de ca!



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mdr ca craint la effectivement ^^ j'imagine ta mere ^^ boooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa

jai essayer ton boot au faite ca marche super bien nikel ^^ cete donc ca la soluce le fameu boot dick gay ^^ lol allez on deconne c l'apres fete today , y a encore du champagne a finir ++

faut mettre sa gameboy ds le lecteur pour hacker la console d que tu ferme le titroir t'attends 2 sec pas plus si ca fait kririrkrirkrirkir c bon c que ca marche tu peux insere ton back up LOL

je suis pas responsable si ca mrche pas

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