U64x Problemes


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Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider avec U64X ?


trouvé la rom de ki1 au format chd que g convertit en .img via HDcomp.exe contenu dans

mame mais ca ne marche toujours pas, je me retrouve devant un superbe ecran bleu.....ca fait

2 semaines que je me bat avec.............HEEEEEEELP


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Regarde ce tuto de xbox-scene (C en anglais, mais très bien

illustré, donc facilement accessible) pour compléter les modifs après la conversion des images

CHD en .img -> petit coup d'éditeur hexa -> appliquer le patch -> Images nickel avec les

bons CRC.



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merci michael ca marche super bien pour ki1 ms vraiment pas pour ki2.....il

freeze au lancement, sur la page e selection ki1/ki2....

peut etre a tu une solution pour ca


en tout cas merci parceque le 1er marche vraiment super bien et ca dechire


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Vérifie ke tu aies les bonnes roms avec les bons CRC & regarde ce tuto de

Xbox-scene, il est très explicite:

style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Killer Instinct


Start Hex Workshop and open Ki2.img. It should look like



Click Edit > Insert; select Dec & type in 13 (see image



After that it should look like this:-


You will now need to overwrite the first 13 bytes with:-

4147 2038

3133 2031 3620 3633 0A

Like this:-


After that click File > Save

This may take awhile (like 10


If you want you can load this new file in to HashCalc to check the

new crc; it should be:-


If it's not then you have made a

mistake above.

Now with this file we need to take an extra step. Basicaly we need to

trim 38087168 bytes from the end of the file.

Start Hex Workshop and open Ki2.img

again. Click Edit > Goto:-

Select Dec & From Beginning of file

Type in :-419586061

(see below image)


Click go and you should end up


Note:- Depending on how big you have Hex Workshop window open your view may

be different. That does not matter as long as the offset is the same.


Press Shift+End to highlight all the data from this point to the end of the



Click Edit > Delete to remove the highlighted



After that click File > Save

This may take awhile (like

10 minutes!!)

If you want you can load this new file in to HashCalc to check the

new crc; it should be:-


If it's not then you have made a

mistake above.

If it is:-

Open explorer and double click KI2 v2.1 HD


Uncheck make backup

Click start

After the file is patched check

the crc again and it should be:-



If all of the above went okay; you now have a good Ki2.img file.

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