Custom Firmware Atmosphère 0.8.5


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SciresM vient tout juste de mettre à disposition la nouvelle version du Custom Firmware Atmosphère. La principale nouveauté réside dans le support des cheat codes, dans un format retro-compatible avec ce qui existe déjà (notamment sur SX OS). On notera également quelques corrections mineures, et des possibilités étendues pour ce qui touche à l'exécution de homebrews à partir des chaînes officielles (title override). La release contient également hbl 2.1 et hbmenu 3.0.1.

Le payload fusee-primary n'a pas évolué avec cette mise à jour. Si vous utilisiez déjà la version proposée avec Atmosphère 0.8.4, vous êtes à jour.

Nouveautés / Corrections :

0.8.5 is Atmosphère's twelfth official release.

fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.8.4.

With thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.8.5 is bundled with hbl 2.1, and hbmenu 3.0.1.

The following was changed since the last release:

  • Support was added for overriding content on a per-title basis, separate from HBL override.
    • This allows for using mods on the same title that one uses to launch HBL.
    • By default, !L is used for title content override (this is configurable by editing default_config!override_key in loader.ini)
    • This key combination can be set on a per-title basis by creating a atmosphere/titles/<title id>/config.ini, and editing override_config!override_key.
  • Content headers were added for the embedded files inside of fusee-secondary.
    • This will allow non-fusee bootloaders (like hekate) to extract the components bundled inside release binaries.
    • This should greatly simplify the update process in the future, for users who do not launch Atmosphère using fusee.
  • Support for cheat codes was added.
    • These are handled by a new dmnt sysmodule, which will also reimplement Nintendo's Debug Monitor in the future.
    • Cheat codes can be enabled/disabled at application launch via a per-title key combination.
    • Cheat codes are fully backwards compatible with the pre-existing format, although a number of bugs have been fixed and some new features have been added.
    • An HIPC service API was added (dmnt:cht), that will allow user homebrew to interface with and control Atmosphère's cheat manager.
      • Please see the relevant documentation.
      • Full client code can be found in libstratosphere.
      • Users interested in interfacing should see EdiZon, which should have support for interfacing with Atmosphère's API shortly after 0.8.5 releases.
  • A bug was fixed that would cause Atmosphère's fatal screen to not show on 1.0.0-2.3.0.
  • A bug was fixed that caused Atmosphère's automatic ProdInfo backups to be corrupt.
  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

For information on the featureset supported by 0.8.0, please see the official release notes.


 Atmosphère 0.8.5 | fusee-primary.bin (0.8.4)
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c'est un meme historique dans la vie de ce CFW...en fait, la sortie initiale d'Atmosphère avait été fixé au 15 juin 2018. Sauf que les aléas de développement que l'on peut imaginer ont repoussé cette date, à plusieurs reprises.

Donc, la team, à chaque mise à jour d'Atmosphère, marque ce fameux "happy June 15th" pour faire un petit clin d’œil sympathique :wink:



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