Spoof 4.60 Dex Ita 4.50/4.55

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Bonsoir à tous,
Voici le spoof 4.60 de la team ITA. Compatible 4.50/4.55.​
- You can install or remove the spoof 4.60 on the CFW’s PS3ITA4.50 DEX, 4.50 COBRA DEXand 4.55 DEX
- Displaying the CFW and Spoof installed
- Fixed many, small, bastard bugs..

Install the spoof:
- Install it on your PS3
- Run it
- Select the option ”Install Spoof 4.60″
- Wait the restart of console
- Enjoy

Remove the spoof:
- Run CFW Setup v4
- Select the option “Remove Spoof 4.60″
- Wait the restart of console
- Enjoy

Lien Setup v4 : http://www.ps3ita.it/download/homebrew/cfw_setup_v4.pkg

Bon jeux.
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