Nouveau Développeur Pour Wii U (Et 3Ds)


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bonjour tous,

je trouve cela top moumoute et énorme! Pour WII U et 3DS

J’espère seulement qu'ua final ce ne sera pas trop chère...

Des ptits independants qui décrochent des licences ca c'est cool. Hohoho ca va donner des idées! Des bons vieux shoots!

Je vais mettre au pot!

Dear customers,

we are glad to announce that we are now a licensed Nintendo developer.

Our first project is porting Gunlord to the 3DS and Wii U platforms.

We decided for an Indiegogo campaign to make sure we reach as much people as possible. We don't have a marketing agency so the help of community to spread the word will be vital.

So thanks in advance for any help :)

The campaign can be found here:

These new platforms will hopefully help us to gain higher budgets for our NEOGEO projects too, so we can reach SNK/Nazca quality :)

Best regards,

Modifié par Byp
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