Dump du flash0 de l'émulateur PSP de la VITA !


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A moins que ça soit un fake, ceci est une étape extrêmement importante dans la route du hack de la nouvelle PlayStation VITA de SONY. Un certain hacker souhaitant rester anonyme, vient de lâcher sur le net une archive contenant ce qu'il a dit être le dump du flash0 de l'émulateur PSP de la PlayStation VITA !!


Le dump présent dans l'archive est accompagné des modules du système Kermit dont a parlé Davee auparavant, qui selon ce dernier représente la voie vers un réel hack de la PS VITA elle même et non pas de son émulateur PSP comme le fait le VITA HBL. Ce n'est pas tous, on a aussi dans l'archive un fichier binaire supposé content les clés du kernel de la PS VITA !!!!


C'est super certes, mais il va falloir confirmer ça avant, ceci ne peut être assuré que par de vrais développeurs, maitrisant bien les choses et ayants les connaissances nécessaires pour exploiter ce dump, pourquoi pas arriver "un jour" à réaliser un firmware HEN pour la VITA, comme l'a fait Davee récemment.

D'ailleurs le gars anonyme derrière ce dump, dit l'avoir lâché suite au refus de Davee de libérer au grand public son HEN PS VITA.

Alors, hack ou fake ? Let's wait & see comme le dit nos amis anglo-saxons.

homesite.gif  Source : http://wololo.net/talk/

homesite.gif  Source originale et lien de téléchargement dedans : https://twitter.com/#!/The_Zett/

Merci à l'allemand "the Z" pour le partage d'information et le lien de téléchargement sur son Twitter.

Lien vers article original : http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/news/art...hp?storyid=9792

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Enfin une excellente nouvelle si ca se releve veridict! :-)

Par contre une petite question, si le dump possede bien les clefs de la Vita, est ce que on pourrait esperer avoir celle de la PS3?

Ce fut le cas avec la decouverte de la masterkey de la PS3 par GeoHot, ca a permit de deplomber de nouveau les PSP avec un firmware 6.xx

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Bonne question, il faut attendre et voir à quoi mène cette histoire, il faut attendre aussi et voir l'avis de Davee !!


Davee confirme mais il dit que ça ne va pas nous mener loin puisqu'il nous faut toujours un exploit kernel de la VITA elle même pour rêver de CFW...etc


Just to point out, this leaves you in the same position as before. There is still no kernel exploit.

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Voici l'avis de Coldbird:

All devs can do with this is explore what is on Vita's PSP EMU flash0... not more... not less... that's it.

As I didn't take a look at the files The Z offers us here yet I can't really say how much the PSP Emu differs from the original 6.60 firmware files we got on PSP, but if there are differences (there have to be some somewhere) - this will allow us to analyze the Vita PSP Emu a bit better.

While I would love to dig into the PSP EMUs kernel for several reasons (especially trying to manipulate the emulators memory layout) - I agree with one thing Davee said, even if it puts me in a bad position not letting me into the kernel... which is that public disclosure of the K-Xploit on Vita should be avoided for quite some time.

Not because I'm scared of piracy, not because of the whole "it kills game system" talk... no... simply because - whether we like it or not, kermit trial and error and Davees analysis of it - currently are our only known way into the system... and access to this has to remain intact for as long as possible... so that he can gather some more inside information from the Vita.

If it was to be disclosed we would no doubt have some nice goodies NOW... like playing UMD titles not on the store, etc. on Vitas new vibrant screen with dual analogs... and of course access to the vast homebrew library we got on PSP so far... but it would come at a price, because by publically disclosing it you can expect the exploit to be closed in no time by Sony... wasting the only slim chance we've got to figure out more of the underlying system.

I don't know about you guys but... delaying christmas by a week or two in exchange for double presents doesnt sound too bad does it?

Besides, whenever the thing does become public... we can STILL port our hacks to it, it's not like we are in a hurry are we?

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Merci pour tes precisions the-green, donc en gros c'est une avancee mais qui ne permet pas de creer un CFW pour la Vita.

Donc en gros cet exploit permet juste de deplomber totalement le module emulateur PSP de la Vita mais sans toucher a la PSVita elle meme a proprement parle c'est bien ca?

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exactement, ça permet d'étudier encore mieux l'ensemble de l'émulateur PSP de la VITA, probablement créer un HEN comme l'a fait Davee mais pas de CFW, possible que ça mènera un jour à un loader de backups PSP sur la VITA !!

attendons pour voir l'avancée des choses

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Je sais, car ceci est le dump du flash0 de l'émulateur PSP, pas de la VITA !

..au passage, toi zer0ne, quand-est ce on verra ton exploit PSP et le portage du VHBL dessus ?!

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Mon exploit ne verra sans doute pas le jour car il y'a trop d’import VHBL manquant.

Mon exploit crash au chargement du VHBL, et je n'est actuellement pas pu corriger ce problème on a essayer plusieurs solution avec Wololo mais rien n'y fait, sa crash sur des thread du jeu.

Et pour les clefs je ne parlait pas pour toi mais pour leonkennedy.

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Mon exploit ne verra sans doute pas le jour car il y'a trop d’import VHBL manquant.

Mon exploit crash au chargement du VHBL, et je n'est actuellement pas pu corriger ce problème on a essayer plusieurs solution avec Wololo mais rien n'y fait, sa crash sur des thread du jeu.

Et pour les clefs je ne parlait pas pour toi mais pour leonkennedy.

Nan mais vue que cet "exploit" du dump du Flash0 concerne L'EMULATEUR PSP de la Vita, il est donc logique que le hack CFW, HEN qui pourraient en decouler concernera la ce dit emulateur...

Ca je l'avais bien compris...

Mais bon apres en connaitre plus sur cet emulateur PSP de la Vita pourrait nous mener a mieux comprendre la Vita et donc d'envisager une maniere de la hacker sous un autre angle...

Et si hack de la vita il y a, on pourrait esperer avoir les clefs de la PS3.

Ce fut bien le cas avec la PS3 pour la PSP, alors pourquoi pas PSVita pour PS3...

Mais merci bien Mr Captain Obvious pour tes precisions

Modifié par leonkennedy
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  • 3 weeks later...

Salut les gars, Wololo vient de donner sur son site une certaine explication quant à l'utilité de ce dump LV0 de l'émulateur PSP de la VITA. Très intéressant à l'occasion:

A few weeks ago, our forum member The Z twitted about a "leak" of a full dump of the Flash0 of the PSP emu on the PS Vita. Unless you've been in the homebrew scene for a while, this probably doesn't mean anything to you. Worse, you've been getting mixed signals from various people or websites, some of them going as far as claiming claiming this cracks the vita open, etc…

So what does this really mean for the end user? Well, in the short term, absolutely nothing, but read along for more details.

A bit of background

Flash0, PSP Emulator, PS Vita, Kernel hack… unless you've been in the "scene" for a while, these terms might be a bit confusing, so let me do a quick explanation on the security implemented on Sony's devices. If you know about this already, feel free to skip to the next section.

Basically, the PSP has 2 levels of permissions: user, and kernel. If you use a shared computer at school or work, "kernel" is a bit equivalent to the "admin" rights of your computer. The user mode has a limited access to the PSP features, basically everything that's required by games to run properly. The kernel mode, on the other hand, has access to everything, including the possibility to verify/decrypt games with DRM, or the possibility to update the firmware of the PSP, among other things.


From a hacking perspective, this means that getting access to a PSP user-level hack will give us limited features, while accessing a kernel-level hack gives us access to everything on the device, such as the possibility to rewrite the firmware (which is necessary, for example, for Custom Firmwares).

Similarly, a program running on the PSP in user mode does not have access to all files on the PSP or all sections of the memory. In particular, the "modules" used by the firmware are stored in a portion of the (Flash0) memory that can only be accessed in Kernel mode.

In addition to all that, on the Playstation Vita, the PSP emulator runs in a "sandbox", which means that it does not have direct access to all the features of the PS Vita. In other words, a "Kernel exploit in the PSP emulator" does not give you a full access to the Vita, at best it gives you full access to the PSP emulator, which in itself is fairly limited.

Current (AFAIK) situation

Based on the explanation above, and the stuff that is publicly known, here's what I can tell you: The only publicly available hack for now on the Vita is VHBL, which runs in User mode, inside the emulator sandbox. Davee has access to a kernel exploit that gives him access to more features of the PSP emulator, and apparently another hacker does too, since this person was able to access the PSP emulator firmware files on the Vita.

Just for reference, the schema below dirtily summarizes the permission levels (things in gray are unknown/hypothesis). And for reference, I included "where" we should be if we wanted a PS Vita iso loader, just so that people stop asking. It is worth mentioning yet again that I personally do not have any PSP Kernel exploit, and therefore it is also useless to ask me if I plan to release a PSP iso loader for the Vita.

OK, some hackers are gonna kill me for such an inaccurate diagram, apologies in advance

So what about that flash0 dump?

My awesome diagram shows that the Flash0 dump is at the kernel level, so I already see people saying this thing could give us access to the PSP Kernel inside the Vita… well…no, because I suck at diagrams. Yes, Kernel access was required to get that information, but no, it doesn't magically give us access to the Kernel. If your admin takes a screenshot of his desktop and sends it to you by email, that doesn't give you any admin rights, but it allows you to have a look at what the admin has on his desktop.

And this is, in essence, what this "leak" is about. We do not get PSP kernel access with this, but we get access to a few files we couldn't get otherwise. So what will this lead to? Well, first of all, it means Davee is not anymore the only one who can investigate Kermit, the library that handles communication between the PSP emulator and the vita. Secondly, it will allow (motivated) devs to investigate the differences between an actual PSP's firmware and the one on the emulator. We already know Kermit is one such difference, but maybe there's more.

More unlikely (but we're allowed to dream), the PSP emulator could reveal some more interesting secrets… some universal drm encryption key maybe? This is extremely unlikely, but after all, at some point the PS3 helped us to hack the PSP, so who knows if the PSP emulator doesn't have a flaw that would lead to a Vita hack?

Nevertheless, from the end user's point of view, this brings absolutely nothing. This can't lead to a PSP Kernel access, or at least, not in a way that would be any easier than finding Kernel exploits in the actual PSP (and reusing them in the emulator). After all, if Davee (Proxima/some1) got access to such an exploit, it was (obviously) one that already existed on the PSP firmware, which anybody with a PSP and enough free time can investigate whenever they want. There's also no telling that enough developers will be interested in looking into these files and reverse them… but who knows, it only takes one guy.

Don't get me wrong, this is still very interesting, because it gives us access to files not everyone could access before, and it tells us there are at least two groups of people with access to the PSP kernel on the Vita. This is still, of course, very far from giving us a full control of the PS Vita, but it is exciting nonetheless :)


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