D2x Cios V8 Final


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davebaol vient tout juste de mettre à disposition la version 8 finale de son fameux cIOS d2x. Celui-ci intègre toutes les corrections apportées au fil des versions beta et se veut donc plus transparent vis à vis des jeux (mode stealth), tout en améliorant sa compatibilité (support des tailles de secteurs virtuels pour outrepasser certaines limites du format WBFS, par exemple)


[ d2x v8 ]

- Enhanced stealth mode to prevent cios detection.

- Added ioctl command to enable/disable stealth mode when a game is not running. Stealth mode is enabled by default.

- IOS reload block is now enabled by default.

- Fixed IOS reload block failure when the original IOS required by the game is not installed. It works for real and emu nand.

- Fixed return to channel failure when the system menu is not installed on emu nand.

- Fixed missing cache flush when removing error 002 after IOS reload block. Now syscall kernel_set_version is used instead.

- Added direct access to syscalls. This allows you to invoke a syscall from inside another syscall.

- Added support for paths starting with '#' which are used to open files on real nand even if nand emu is on. Also, access to these paths is protected by stealth mode.

- FAT files are now opened through relative path to fix issue 16. Now Disney Universe and all the games using long paths work properly in nand emulation.

- Disabled file sharing control in FAT module to overcome a stupid issue made by developers in The Beatles Rock Band. See issue 11.

- Fixed black screen in partial emulation when starting a game never launched before on real nand. See issue 14.

- Added support for virtual sector size on WBFS drives to bypass the 500 game limit (thanks fig2k4). The optimal sector size is 4KB, that allows up to 4084 games. Note that this feature is useful only for the loaders that don't use the fraglist for WBFS partitions, for example NeoGamma, WiiFlow and CFG.

- AHBPROT is now really enabled.

- USB Gecko functions completely rewritten. Now it's really plug&play and the cios works even when debug mode is enabled and USB Gecko is connected only to the Wii (tnx to mini source).

- Removed the unused method 1 for IOS reload block.

- Minor changes and code clean up.

Cette nouvelle version ne semble toujours pas intégrer le dernier module EHCI (qui évite notamment le lag sur les jeux musicaux) promis depuis quelques temps déjà, mais la version 9 beta semble être bien partie pour en profiter. Les semaines qui viennent nous en dévoileront probablement plus à ce sujet.

Attention, il s'agit des fichiers compilés, qui nécessitent un traitement (fichier batch) pour être encapsulés dans un fichier WAD. Vous pouvez aussi l'installer en utilisant le d2x cIOS Installer 3.2. Il faudra pour cela décompresser l'archive du cIOS d2x V8, telle quelle, dans le même répertoire que l'exécutable de l'installeur.

EDIT : ajout de la version 3.2 de l'installeur, qui inclut directement le cIOS d2x V8 Final et se suffit donc à lui-même. Quitte à le répéter, cette version de mon cru n'est pas officielle.

download.gif d2x cIOS V8 Final

download.gif d2x cIOS Installer 3.2 Fr (Unofficial)

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://code.google.com/p/d2x-cios/

Lien vers article original : http://wii.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3110

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  • 2 weeks later...

ça se résume, dans les grandes lignes, à : nouveau module EHCI.

autrement dit, les jeux qui utilisent des périphériques USB fonctionneront beaucoup mieux. le cIOS supporte maintenant le plug n' play, comme si le jeu était lancé officiellement depuis la chaîne disque > plus de problème de reconnaissance, et plus de lag avec les jeux musicaux.

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ce qui donne:

d2x v9 beta r47


- Removed from ciosmaps.xml the patch to skip the process id check inside os_software_IRQ(4). Now this patch is applied by the EHCI module at startup.

- Added a new patch to ciosmaps.xml in order to register an alternative SDI module name without the initial slash. This custom name is required by nand emulation to avoid deadlock since we have to open the sd card from inside the fs-plugin.

- Removed from ciosmaps.xml the content corresponding to FAT and SDHC modules which have been suppressed.


- Modified sdio.c and usbloader.c to use the alternative device name.

- Added generic support to save/load module configuration before/after ios reloading.

- Added SDHC functions used by EHCI and USBS modules to emulate the old SDHC module that has been removed.

- Minor changes.


- Moved plugin memory address.

- Minor changes and code clean up.


- Patched interrupt vector in IOSP module and implemented interrupt callback to detect usb port status changes. Now usb instruments are plug&play just like they are when playing the original dvd through the disc channel (tnx to hermes cios source).

- Improved usb compatibility: some problematic hdd are now supported, shred skateboard controller is now supported, mics and usb instruments should work better than before (tnx to rodries for the great help).

- Tinyehci code prepared to support both usb ports (tnx to rodries).

- Increased thread priority from 0x48 to 0x78.

- Added a loop on module's startup to wait for mload before patching the ios.

- Added a ioctl command to set watchdog timout, 0 secs. means disabled. This should fix the issue which certain HDD that park their heads after less than 10 seconds of inactivity.

- Added a ioctl command to save module configuration. It's called internally by the es plugin to not lose ehci configuration during ios reload block.

- Fixed a memory issue in ehci_maligned.

- Fixed an issue in ehci descriptors (tnx to rodries).

- Fixed a slowdown issue when initializing the device. Now the device is not unmounted anymore if it's mounted already (tnx to rodries).

- Increased read/write sectors up to 64KB.

- Fixed an issue when checking if a usb device is inserted (tnx to rodries).

- Registered an alternative device name without the initial slash, i.e. dev/usb2. This alternative name is required by nand emulation to avoid deadlock since we have to open the usb device from inside the fs-plugin.

- Embedded SDHC module to reduce the number of threads and prevent read errors.

- Patched the IOSP module skip the process id check in os_software_IRQ(4).


- Moved plugin memory address.

- Saved EHCI configuration on ios reloading block.

- Minor changes and code clean up.


- Embedded FAT support inside the plugin. The FAT module has been suppressed to reduce the number of threads and prevent read errors in the EHCI module.

- Now the drive led blinking is performed synchronously with write access on FAT. This allows us to remove the dedicated thread and avoid read errors in the EHCI module.

- Patched Nintendo's SDI module to recognize the alternative device name on opening requests.

- Implemented a new ioctl to enable/disable nand emulation on the specified partition. However in order to keep backward compatibility the old method is still supported by emulating the opening request of the old FAT module.

- Moved plugin memory address and increased plugin size.

- Minor changes and code clean up.


- Added SDI module version detection for each supported base.

- Removed the easter egg introduced by Waninkoko in cios rev20.


- Embedded SDHC module to reduce the number of threads and prevent read errors.

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