Comment Créer Un Romset Fonctionnel Pour Fbl 1.8 ?


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Here's what I do:

1. Launch Clrmame and open "Profiler" tab and select "Add Datfile", load "ClrMAMEPro.xml" (from Final Burn Legends tools folder).

2. Double click on the newly loaded datfile in the profiler window.

3. Go to settings and select "ROM-Paths" in the upper right drop down menu then point to your roms folder, then close window.

4. Click on "Scanner" in clrmame main menu and tick all tabs except "Ask Before Fixing" also make sure you select " Split Sets" to save space on hdd, do a "New Scan" and fix your roms.

5. Close Scanner and open "Rebuilder" tab, click "Use BackupPath" and press "Rebuild".

Once that's done select path to the downloaded roms you want to rebuild in "Source" tab and let it rebuild once again.

6. Close "Rebuilder" and go back to "Scanner" and scan your newly rebuilt roms.

C'est pas tres difficiel, pointe le logiciel vers ton dossier de rom ( MAME Rom ou autre ) et suis la procédure.

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