Kakaroto : custom firmware 3.73 leaked


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Tout ça est pathétique...

Le pire que ça s'empire.

Ahhh vivement 2012 pour voir ce que l'on va avoir comme géguerre.

* Je sortirais pas le custom 5.1 car truc muche à mis des chaussettes rouge, comme moi.

Mais euuuu

2012 , sa serait pas l année pour le la lancement ps4 ?

meme si on sait que la ps3 a encore de tres beau jour devant elle !

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Cela me paraissait tellement évident Deaphroat que je me permets de rectifier. Parce qu'à mes yeux il émet juste une hypothèse (avant de se raviser par la suite mais pas dans cette phrase).

"but no proof yet, and I have yet to discuss it with him (no accusation yet)"

Le yet signifie mot à mot "pas encore de preuve, et je dois d'abord en parler avec lui (pas encore d'accusation)."

Modifié par Mikami
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et ce sera toujours le cas sur PS3 il faut croire, mais finallement c'est pasp lus mal , au moins ca empeche un maximum de pirater , peut être que ca incitera les dev a faire autre chose que des loaders. faudra que je me trouve un projet sympa moi tiens.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ca vole bas sur la scène .... >>

@Mathieulh no it wasn't "plenty", you gave 5% of what was requested, and you didn't share "how to find it", you gave riddles, and then I have to start reverse engineering your fucking riddles. If you just shut up instead of telling everyone what you have and don't want to share, then you wouldn't be so hated in the scene. I just WASTED 3 whole fucking days hunting down this one little thing that you have but you just flaunt us with it saying you won't share it.. you are in every private channel on IRC, you see what all the devs are discussing, you use the knowledge from everyone, you receive stuff from everyone from everywhere, then when you are needed, you say "no, I won't give anything to you", then you ask us to lick you ass until you feel all proud about yourself, then throw us a fucking bone saying "it's over there, and if you have a brain you'll find it", why not just outright say "I'm so 1337, so much better than you, I have all this stuff JUST FOR ME and you're too fucking stupid to do anything like me"? No, I am grateful for the "help" you gave, and yes you have every right not to share what you did on your own, BUT, when you use someone else's knowledge, then it's ethical for you to give back the same way, also, if you don't want to share, then fucking shut up about what you have instead of being a dick and telling us you have something and not going to share it. And finally, if you decide not to share, ok, your choice, but don't fucking come arguing with me about how you helped and how you shared "plenty" and all that crap.. you don't want to share, then be a man and own up to your actions and accept that I say that you're not sharing and that if the release is delayed it's because of you because we're spending the next fucking month re-doing everything you did. Don't start arguing with me about how you're helpful when you fucking don't want to help. You don't want to help, then shut the fuck up.

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