Retour En Ligne Des Jtag Avec Freeboot 13599


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Okay there you go everything you need to know to get your jtag back online besides the Values!

Programs and Necessities:

• IDA Pro Advanced 5.5 or Up With All Scripts and Plugins!

• File System Dump of 12625 Freeboot Nand

• PowerPC Reverse Engineering Skills

• Patch Builder 12625

Getting File System:

• Open your 12625 freeboot nand in 360 flash tool.

• Click extract > check "Raw File System (No Unpacking)" > Press ok and save to desktop.

Loading xam.xex into Ida and Patch Builder:

• Install Python 2.5 before installing Ida.

• Install IDA Pro that I provided and drag all the folders I also provided in to the IDA directory on your hard drive.

• Now, open the "Raw File System" folder that you placed on your desktop and drag your "xam.xex" into IDA Pro.

• Open as .xex > set the processor to ppc > check load resources > now load it up!

• Okay once loaded correctly you can navigate through the .xex using the jump to file name directly in menu bar if Ida!

• Find the name of the functions I provided for you and observe and look at every detail to the function and commands.

• Now open up patch builder folder and open patches.s file in WordPad.

• Okay examine how it is structured.

• Now when you have you Ida function die by side with your patches.s start to copy the immediate functions over, (i.e. %r31, 0)

• They are the functions which need to be edited!

• I do NOT give values so don't ask please

Checks That Require Patch:

• XamExecuteChallenge

• XamGetCurrentSystemOnlineManifestRevision

• XampDemandUpdateCheckOnlineManifestChanged

• XamFeatureEnabled

• Start

• XamGetLiveHiveValueW

• XamGetLiveHiveValueA

• XamGetLiveHiveValueDuringLogonAttemptA

• XamNuiHudIsEnabled

• XamNuiHudGetInitializeFlags

• XamNuiHudGetEngagedEnrollmentIndex

• XXamSetSecurityViolationDetected

• XamIsSecurityViolationDetected

• XamIsAnySecurityViolationDetected

• XamGetSecurityViolationsDetected

• XamIsCounterMeasureActivated

• XamRegisterSMCNotification

• XamShowLiveUpsellUIEx

• XamShowLiveUpsellUI

• XamUpdateStart

• XamUserGetUserFlags

• XamUserGetUserFlagsFromXUID

• XamUserGetUserFlagsFromXUID

• XamSystemUpdaterLogon

• XamUserGetSigninState

• XamNuiIdentityEnrollForSignIn

• XamNuiIdentityGetQualityFlags

• XNetLogonGetUserPrivileges

• NetDll_XNetConnect

• NetDll_XnpLogonGetStatus

• NetDll_XnpLogonGetQFlags

• NetDll_XnpLogonSetQFlags

• NetDll_XnpLogonGetChallenge

• NetDll_XnpLogonSetChallengeResponse

• NetDll_connect

• NetDll_XNetStartupEx

• XMPRegisterCodec

• XamUserCheckPrivilege

• XamUserGetSigninInfo

• XamGetSystemVersion

Merci à IwearHelmet4Bed

Modifié par supertintin007
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re, cette astuce(qui devait rester secrète lol) e été leakée sur un site privé il y a 1 mois (lequel je sais pas)et a été dévoilée par IwearHelmet4Bed de S7(ma source). d'apres les retours cette technique permetrait de rester connecter sur le live mais sans plus d'infos. si j'ai des retours je vous les communique sans faute...

ps: je ne fais que relayer l'info, je n'ai pas tester car cela fait maintenant 1an que je ne n'ai plus mis une jtag en ligne!!je ne possède aucun des softs et je ne sais pas si on peut les distribuer!

Modifié par supertintin007
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J'ai trouvé ce post un peu différents

First off just let me say i am releasing this for 1 reason as i was not smart enough do do it myself for i did not have the skills of reverse engeneering and learning the neccesary code i needed to.

With that being said here is the tut and the files:

Okay so this is the way of getting online and how!

Stuff needed: (AIM Me For Files!!!)

IDA Pro Advanced 5.5 or Up With All Scripts and Plugins!

360 Flash Dump Tool v0.97

12625 Freeboot nand

PowerPC Reverse Engineering Skills (NO CODE OR TUT OF THAT INCLUDED)

Patch Builder

Okay so lets get started with the tutorial!

Install IDA Pro that I provided and drag all the folders I also provided in to the IDA directory on your hard drive.

First open your 12625 freeboot nand in 360 flash tool.

Now, click extract > check Raw File System (No Unpacking) > Press ok and save to desktop.

Now, open the Raw File System folder that you placed on your desktop and drag your xam.xex into IDA Pro.

Now open as .xex > set the processor to ppc > check load resources > now load it up!

Okay so now heres the hard part for you youll have to find the checks and use PowerPC Reverse Engineering to reverse and bypass them.

But do not try to edit in Ida you have to use patch builder to make a patch for the check and install onto your jtag.

Thats all you have to do for the method but this makes it look short when its really not it take a while so youll need plenty of patience I will provide a list of checks you need to patch below!

Security Checks:


























XamUpdateGetData(void *,ulong,uchar *,ulong *)









Okay there you go everything you need to know to get your jtag back online besides the coding!

En fait il ne donne pas toute la procédure mais "juste" le début de la création d'un patch. Il faut quand même avoir des compétence de programmation et surtout de rétro-ingénierie pour trouver la solution. Et en plus il y a apparemment pas mal de truc à patcher.

En gros il s'agit d'une news informative en attendant que certains se plongent dans le code et créée les patch.

Modifié par -Zou-
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• Now when you have you Ida function die by side with your patches.s start to copy the immediate functions over, (i.e. %r31, 0)

• They are the functions which need to be edited!

• I do NOT give values so don't ask please

un début de réponse ? extrait de conversation:

Tom Sheelan 11:30 pm

anyone think kxam.patch will have anything to do with getting jtags online??

"A Silly Little Bumble Bee" greenway273 11:30 pm



Tom Sheelan 11:31 pm

some guy called craig or somthing who has his jtag online said it was that file

spaeking to him before


"Admin" 11:31 pm

You guys are all wrong.


patch blocker


Tom Sheelan 11:31 pm

ok then

"Admin" 11:31 pm

Its quite easy to get jtags online.. if you know the values for the checks.

Which is impossible to get.

Tom Sheelan 11:32 pm

which we dont

MickIsSick7s 11:32 pm

how much money you got for a camera?

Tom Sheelan 11:32 pm

then how do people find them out?

"A Silly Little Bumble Bee" greenway273 11:32 pm

I can do around 300

GIve or take

"Admin" 11:32 pm

It isn't hard to get the values

open a retail xam in IDA.

MickIsSick7s 11:32 pm

go on my youtube and look at mine

"Admin" 11:32 pm

Then get the values

Then replace on jtags values

MickIsSick7s 11:32 pm

Tom Sheelan 11:33 pm

you just said its impossible

MickIsSick7s 11:33 pm

Its a panosonic lumix

"Admin" 11:33 pm


I am helping you guys out.

"A Silly Little Bumble Bee" greenway273 11:33 pm

How much was it?

Tom Sheelan 11:33 pm

+ this guy has had a 4 month long KV so far

Tom Sheelan 11:33 pm how do you know about these things

do you have a jtag online?

"Admin" 11:34 pm



I am besties with XeAlex, and Nickcas

Tom Sheelan 11:34 pm


and they told yuou everything?


"Admin" 11:34 pm


Tom Sheelan 11:34 pm

most things?

"Admin" 11:34 pm

not much at all.

It is how though.

Don't doubt me.#

that may help you guys, dont realy know

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.text:818F975C loc_818F975C: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+174j

.text:818F975C mr %r4, %r22

.text:818F9760 mr %r3, %r26

.text:818F9764 bl sub_819C75F0

.text:818F9768 addi %r11, %sp, 0xE0+var_80

.text:818F976C mr %r3, %r26

.text:818F9770 std %r31, 0(%r11)

.text:818F9774 std %r31, 8(%r11)

.text:818F9778 std %r31, 0x10(%r11)

.text:818F977C std %r31, 0x18(%r11)

.text:818F9780 bl MmGetPhysicalAddress

.text:818F9784 lwz %r10, XboxKrnlVersion@l(%r25)

.text:818F9788 mr %r11, %r3

.text:818F978C ld %r8, 0xE0+var_68(%sp)

.text:818F9790 mr %r4, %r29

.text:818F9794 ld %r7, 0xE0+var_70(%sp)

.text:818F9798 mr %r3, %r24

.text:818F979C rldicl %r5, %r11, 0,32

.text:818F97A0 ld %r6, 0(%r10)

.text:818F97A4 bl XeKeysExecute

.text:818F97A8 mr. %r31, %r3

.text:818F97AC blt loc_818F97C0

.text:818F97B0 addi %r4, %r24, 0x20

.text:818F97B4 li %r5, 0x100

.text:818F97B8 mr %r3, %r30

.text:818F97BC bl sub_819C75F0


.text:818F97C0 loc_818F97C0: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+B0j

.text:818F97C0 # XamExecuteChallenge+ECj ...

.text:818F97C0 lwz %r11, XboxKrnlVersion@l(%r25)

.text:818F97C4 li %r6, 0x14

.text:818F97C8 lis %r10, aXbox360CMicros@h # "XBox 360 © Microsoft"

.text:818F97CC li %r9, 0

.text:818F97D0 addi %r4, %r10, aXbox360CMicros@l # "XBox 360 © Microsoft"

.text:818F97D4 addi %r10, %r30, 0xE4

.text:818F97D8 lhz %r29, 0(%r11)

.text:818F97DC li %r8, 0

.text:818F97E0 stw %r6, 0xE0+var_8C(%sp)

.text:818F97E4 mr %r7, %r21

.text:818F97E8 mr %r6, %r22

.text:818F97EC li %r5, 0x17

.text:818F97F0 li %r3, 0x19

.text:818F97F4 sth %r29, 0xF8(%r30)

.text:818F97F8 lhz %r29, 2(%r11)

.text:818F97FC sth %r29, 0xFA(%r30)

.text:818F9800 lhz %r29, 4(%r11)

.text:818F9804 sth %r29, 0xFC(%r30)

.text:818F9808 lhz %r11, 6(%r11)

.text:818F980C sth %r11, 0xFE(%r30)

.text:818F9810 bl XeKeysHmacSha

.text:818F9814 cmpwi cr6, %r31, 0

.text:818F9818 blt cr6, loc_818F9820

.text:818F981C mr %r31, %r3


.text:818F9820 loc_818F9820: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+238j

.text:818F9820 lis %r11, KeTimeStampBundle@h

.text:818F9824 cmplwi cr6, %r24, 0

.text:818F9828 lwz %r11, KeTimeStampBundle@l(%r11)

.text:818F982C lwz %r11, 0x10(%r11)

.text:818F9830 stw %r31, 0(%r30)

.text:818F9834 stw %r11, 0xE0(%r30)

.text:818F9838 beq cr6, loc_818F9848

.text:818F983C mr %r4, %r24

.text:818F9840 li %r3, 2

.text:818F9844 bl MmFreePhysicalMemory


.text:818F9848 loc_818F9848: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+258j

.text:818F9848 cmplwi cr6, %r26, 0

.text:818F984C beq cr6, loc_818F985C

.text:818F9850 mr %r4, %r26

.text:818F9854 li %r3, 2

.text:818F9858 bl MmFreePhysicalMemory


.text:818F985C loc_818F985C: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+26Cj

.text:818F985C mr %r3, %r31

.text:818F9860 b loc_818F986C

.text:818F9864 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:818F9864 loc_818F9864: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+68j

.text:818F9864 # XamExecuteChallenge+74j ...

.text:818F9864 lis %r3, -0x4000 # 0xC000000D

.text:818F9868 ori %r3, %r3, 0xD # 0xC000000D


.text:818F986C loc_818F986C: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+280j

.text:818F986C addi %sp, %sp, 0xE0

.text:818F9870 b __restgprlr_21

.text:818F9870 # End of function XamExecuteChallenge

this is freeboot i dont know what nand the dev is on but...

.text:818579C8 loc_818579C8: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+8Cj

.text:818579C8 lis %r11, 1

.text:818579CC cmplw cr6, %r28, %r11

.text:818579D0 ble cr6, loc_818579E0

.text:818579D4 lis %r31, -0x4000 # 0xC000000D

.text:818579D8 ori %r31, %r31, 0xD # 0xC000000D

.text:818579DC b loc_81857AD0

.text:818579E0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:818579E0 loc_818579E0: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+A8j

.text:818579E0 li %r25, -1

.text:818579E4 lis %r5, 0x2000 # 0x20000004

.text:818579E8 mr %r8, %r28

.text:818579EC mr %r7, %r25

.text:818579F0 li %r6, 0

.text:818579F4 ori %r5, %r5, 4 # 0x20000004

.text:818579F8 mr %r4, %r28

.text:818579FC li %r3, 2

.text:81857A00 bl MmAllocatePhysicalMemoryEx

.text:81857A04 mr. %r26, %r3

.text:81857A08 beq loc_81857A40

.text:81857A0C mr %r5, %r29

.text:81857A10 mr %r4, %r22

.text:81857A14 mr %r3, %r26

.text:81857A18 bl sub_818F9990

.text:81857A1C li %r8, 0x1000

.text:81857A20 mr %r7, %r25

.text:81857A24 li %r6, 0

.text:81857A28 li %r5, 4

.text:81857A2C li %r4, 0x1000

.text:81857A30 li %r3, 2

.text:81857A34 bl MmAllocatePhysicalMemoryEx

.text:81857A38 mr. %r27, %r3

.text:81857A3C bne loc_81857A4C


.text:81857A40 loc_81857A40: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+E0j

.text:81857A40 lis %r31, -0x4000 # 0xC000009A

.text:81857A44 ori %r31, %r31, 0x9A # 0xC000009A

.text:81857A48 b loc_81857AD0

.text:81857A4C # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:81857A4C loc_81857A4C: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+114j

.text:81857A4C li %r5, 0x1000

.text:81857A50 li %r4, 0

.text:81857A54 mr %r3, %r27

.text:81857A58 bl sub_818FA170

.text:81857A5C cmplwi cr6, %r21, 0x1000

.text:81857A60 mr %r5, %r21

.text:81857A64 blt cr6, loc_81857A6C

.text:81857A68 li %r5, 0x1000


.text:81857A6C loc_81857A6C: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+13Cj

.text:81857A6C mr %r4, %r23

.text:81857A70 mr %r3, %r27

.text:81857A74 bl sub_818F9990

.text:81857A78 addi %r11, %sp, 0xE0+var_80

.text:81857A7C mr %r3, %r27

.text:81857A80 std %r31, 0(%r11)

.text:81857A84 std %r31, 8(%r11)

.text:81857A88 std %r31, 0x10(%r11)

.text:81857A8C std %r31, 0x18(%r11)

.text:81857A90 bl MmGetPhysicalAddress

.text:81857A94 lwz %r10, XboxKrnlVersion@l(%r24)

.text:81857A98 mr %r11, %r3

.text:81857A9C ld %r8, 0xE0+var_68(%sp)

.text:81857AA0 mr %r4, %r28

.text:81857AA4 ld %r7, 0xE0+var_70(%sp)

.text:81857AA8 mr %r3, %r26

.text:81857AAC rldicl %r5, %r11, 0,32

.text:81857AB0 ld %r6, 0(%r10)

.text:81857AB4 bl XeKeysExecute

.text:81857AB8 mr. %r31, %r3

.text:81857ABC blt loc_81857AD0

.text:81857AC0 addi %r4, %r26, 0x20

.text:81857AC4 li %r5, 0x100

.text:81857AC8 mr %r3, %r30

.text:81857ACC bl sub_818F9990


.text:81857AD0 loc_81857AD0: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+78j

.text:81857AD0 # XamExecuteChallenge+B4j ...

.text:81857AD0 lwz %r11, XboxKrnlVersion@l(%r24)

.text:81857AD4 li %r6, 0x14

.text:81857AD8 lis %r10, aXbox360CMicros@h # "XBox 360 © Microsoft"

.text:81857ADC li %r9, 0

.text:81857AE0 addi %r4, %r10, aXbox360CMicros@l # "XBox 360 © Microsoft"

.text:81857AE4 addi %r10, %r30, 0xE4

.text:81857AE8 lhz %r29, 0(%r11)

.text:81857AEC li %r8, 0

.text:81857AF0 stw %r6, 0xE0+var_8C(%sp)

.text:81857AF4 mr %r7, %r21

.text:81857AF8 mr %r6, %r23

.text:81857AFC li %r5, 0x17

.text:81857B00 li %r3, 0x19

.text:81857B04 sth %r29, 0xF8(%r30)

.text:81857B08 lhz %r29, 2(%r11)

.text:81857B0C sth %r29, 0xFA(%r30)

.text:81857B10 lhz %r29, 4(%r11)

.text:81857B14 sth %r29, 0xFC(%r30)

.text:81857B18 lhz %r11, 6(%r11)

.text:81857B1C sth %r11, 0xFE(%r30)

.text:81857B20 bl XeKeysHmacSha

.text:81857B24 cmpwi cr6, %r31, 0

.text:81857B28 blt cr6, loc_81857B30

.text:81857B2C mr %r31, %r3


.text:81857B30 loc_81857B30: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+200j

.text:81857B30 lis %r11, KeTimeStampBundle@h

.text:81857B34 cmplwi cr6, %r26, 0

.text:81857B38 lwz %r11, KeTimeStampBundle@l(%r11)

.text:81857B3C lwz %r11, 0x10(%r11)

.text:81857B40 stw %r31, 0(%r30)

.text:81857B44 stw %r11, 0xE0(%r30)

.text:81857B48 beq cr6, loc_81857B58

.text:81857B4C mr %r4, %r26

.text:81857B50 li %r3, 2

.text:81857B54 bl MmFreePhysicalMemory


.text:81857B58 loc_81857B58: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+220j

.text:81857B58 cmplwi cr6, %r27, 0

.text:81857B5C beq cr6, loc_81857B6C

.text:81857B60 mr %r4, %r27

.text:81857B64 li %r3, 2

.text:81857B68 bl MmFreePhysicalMemory


.text:81857B6C loc_81857B6C: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+234j

.text:81857B6C mr %r3, %r31

.text:81857B70 b loc_81857B7C

.text:81857B74 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


.text:81857B74 loc_81857B74: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+30j

.text:81857B74 # XamExecuteChallenge+3Cj ...

.text:81857B74 lis %r3, -0x4000 # 0xC000000D

.text:81857B78 ori %r3, %r3, 0xD # 0xC000000D


.text:81857B7C loc_81857B7C: # CODE XREF: XamExecuteChallenge+248j

.text:81857B7C addi %sp, %sp, 0xE0

.text:81857B80 b __restgprlr_21

.text:81857B80 # End of function XamExecuteChallenge


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Mouais, pourtant sur black Ops j'ai quand meme rencontré des joueurs qui étaient au dernier prestige avec seulement une trentaine de dis pas forcément qu'ils avaient les fonctions "aimbot et cie" mais ça ne les empéchait pas de dire "Ouais moi j'ai une console JTAG, je paie pas le Xbox Live...blablabla" :encolere12: .

Je suis d'accord avec toi Supertintin sur le fait que c'est aux éditeurs de combler les failles, mais bon on joue sur console à la base pas sur PC.

Sur ce bonne continuation et bon courage :ok: , car apparemment cela n'est (heureusement) pas à la portée de tous !! -_-

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normal mais fais lui une demande d'amis et ensuite tu verras ds quelques jours bye bye d'une façon ou une autre (retour 0, compte banni a vie de bo , ou du xbl) du moins sur BO.

Apres, tu as aussi l'iso modding qui fonctionne aussi pas besoin Jtag non plus donc...

que ta console soit jtag et qu'elle puisse aller sur live c'est "normal" mais ton compte devra qd même avoir un abo gold pour jouer en ligne donc payant.

Modifié par supertintin007
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Par contre pourquoi avoir peur d'être banni? Si la console n'est jamais relier a internet de peur qu'elle soit banni ( ce qui rien ne l'empêche par ce que si elle est flagé , que sa soit en ligne ou hors ligne, elle sera banni le jour ou elle va en ligne?) c'est déjà comme être banni?

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Par contre pourquoi avoir peur d'être banni? Si la console n'est jamais relier a internet de peur qu'elle soit banni ( ce qui rien ne l'empêche par ce que si elle est flagé , que sa soit en ligne ou hors ligne, elle sera banni le jour ou elle va en ligne?) c'est déjà comme être banni?

Pas vraiment! là mon profil et mes sauvegardes ne sont pas corrompues contrairement à une 360 vraiment bannie ;)

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Pas vraiment! là mon profil et mes sauvegardes ne sont pas corrompues contrairement à une 360 vraiment bannie ;)

Pour info une console flagée corromp les profils, une console bannie corromp les profils voir les sauvegardes...

Ma console flagée n'est toujours pas bannie et reste connectée sur le M.A.J de demain changera peut etre la donne.

Modifié par PuSh77
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