[Humour] Geohot et le Rapsony


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Toujours englué dans ses démêlés judiciaires avec Sony, Geohot garde à priori le moral et trouve le temps de participer à une vidéo/rap en vue du Street Light's Light it Up Contest.

L'originalité de cette vidéo/rap étant de tacler gentiment Sony :

Pour les anglophones, voici les paroles :

Citation :

Yo it's geohot

And for those that don't know

I'm getting sued by Sony

Let's take this out of the courtroom and into the streets

I'm a beast, at the least, you'll face me in the northeast

Get my ire up, light my fire

I'll go harder then Eminem went at Mariah

Call me a liar

Pound me in the ass with no lube, chafing

You're fucking with the dude who got the keys to your safe and

Those that can't do bring suits

Cry to your Uncle Sam to settle disputes

Thought you'd tackle this with a little more tact

But then again fudgepackers, I don't know Jack

I shed a tear everytime I think of Lik Sang

But shit man, they're a corporation

And I'm a personification of freedom for all

You fill dockets, like thats a concept foreign to y'all

While lawyers muddy water and TROs stall

Out of business is jail for me

And you're suing me civilly

Exhibit this in the courtroom

Go on, do it, I dare you

Source : PSGroove

Lien vers article original : http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2608

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on avait remarqué à plusieurs reprises que ce type était particulièrement intelligent, mais là avec ce coup médiatique, il nous étonne encore ! :P :P

Modifié par BLK
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