TecnoballZ v0.92 Dingux


Messages recommandés

steev propose un portage du jeu TecnoBallZ pour Dingux.

Ce jeu est un casse brique amélioré avec quelques petites options supplémentaires.



Extract in local/games


Select = menu

Start = pause

L = baisser volume

R = monter volume

L+R = changer musique

download.gif TecnoballZ v0.92 Dingux

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://boards.dingoonity.org

Lien vers article original : http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/news/art...hp?storyid=9375

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  • 2 months later...

Its very good to realize the limits

Its very good to realize the limits, maybe a player can fully justify his/her position that why is he/she hiring a golf professional that is because you can play a good game and hit par around the course. If a player is still stuck and can not improve without a golf professional then ask the .... to help you hire a professional that can help you improve your game and is solely destined to improve the standard of your game.ishiner[/size]

Edit spam yoannd26

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