Xbmc 2010-04-27 Svn Rev29407 T3ch


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T3CH publie une nouvelle version SVN du lecteur multimédia Xbox issue de la branche désormais stable BABYLON.

Voici le changelog de cette version :

2010-04-20 29407 [XBOX] reverted: Part of r28919. Hopefully fixes weird audio crashes

2010-04-15 29293 [XBOX] merged: mainline/trunk revisions 29273,29274,29292 (web(dav) fixes)

2010-04-13 29239 [XBOX] changed: Better trim before we get a FatX qualified path

2010-04-07 29124 [XBOX] changed: Slightly better values for Curl's idle timeout

2010-04-07 29123 [XBOX] reverted: Part of r28231. We shouldn't call the Kernel version in SystemInfo since it is apparently not thread-safe (it causes crashes + log spam)

2010-04-07 29122 [XBOX] reverted: Merge part of r28940 (mainly VideoDataBase changes). This stuff should not never have been merged to Xbox! Sorry but this will break upgraded video databases.

2010-04-07 29110 [XBOX] reverted: Same for emu_msvcrt.cpp

2010-04-07 29109 [XBOX] reverted: Part of r28040

2010-04-06 29037 [XBOX] changed: Don't do double slash correction by default but only for DLL/Python stuff

2010-04-05 29029 [XBOX] changed: Improve the double slash correction in ValidatePath() (don't modify eg. protocol:///) + make the double-slash correction optional

2010-04-05 29027 [XBOX] reverted: Part of r28040. We shouldn't call GetFatXQualifiedPath() from ValidatePath()!

2010-04-02 28975 [XBOX] changed: Lower CURL idle time on Xbox to save memory

2010-04-01 28949 [XBOX] merged: mainline/trunk revisions 26326,26327,28191,28192,28194-28203,28205,28206,28207,28570,28587 (CMyth changes) + general CMyth sync

2010-03-31 28940 [XBOX] merged: mainline/trunk revisions 28499,28545,28548,28549,28555,28556,28557,28572,28608,28623,28631,28638,28639 28641,28642,28648,28670,28692,28693,28698,28703,28704,28715,28762,28764,28768 28773,28783,28785,28793,28800,28813,28815,28829,28870,28871,28921

2010-03-29 28919 [XBOX] fixed (I hope): Ticket #6660 - Scripts Starting Music On Startup = Crash

2010-03-23 28766 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #9002 - Xbox Game Icon Extraction Fails

2010-03-19 28679 [XBOX] changed: Use DVDPlayer by default for myth as it works better with EDL

2010-03-18 28665 [XBOX] fixed: Weird A/V desync at start (again)

2010-03-18 28660 [XBOX] fixed: Cosmetics

2010-03-12 28565 [XBOX] fixed: Too fast on the c&p (thanks again Bomb Bloke)

2010-03-12 28564 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #8975 - Reported SVN Revision Incorrect (thanks to Bomb Bloke)

2010-03-11 28543 [XBOX] fixed: Cosmetics

2010-03-10 28525 [XBOX] fixed: Seeking in DVDPlayer was weird with some (AVI) files (reverted: merge of mainline/trunk r28080 + reverted: r28472)

2010-03-10 28519 [XBOX] fixed: VideoDatabase was broken

2010-03-10 28515 [XBOX] changed: We are still at video db version 33 (not 34)

2010-03-10 28514 [XBOX] merged: mainline/trunk revisions 28115,28132,28133,28134,28137,28178,28179,28181,28189,28190,28248-28256,28265,28266 (DataBase updates) + sync VideoDataBase with mainline/trunk

download.gif XBMC 2010-04-27 SVN rev29407 T3CH

homesite.gif Site officiel : http://t3ch.yi.se


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