cIOS38 rev17


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  • 3 weeks later...
# Rev18 will support various IOS as base (selectable during installation): IOS37, IOS38, IOS57, IOS60 and IOS70. Il y a 39 minutes via choqoK

# Massive update @ github. All modules/plugins repositories have been updated. Il y a environ 1 heures via choqoK

# @ThatsMii No idea. Il y a environ 1 heures via choqoK en réponse à ThatsMii

# NTFS discussion is OVER. NTFS is bad, big, closed and FAT/WBFS are good enough for USB loading. Period. Il y a environ 2 heures via choqoK

# @Ugemmogge IOS222 doesn't have NTFS. I think you mean oggzee's module, that allows loading from NTFS. I won't include something like that. Il y a environ 6 heures via choqoK en réponse à Ugemmogge

# @Ugemmogge You sure? I'm pretty sure Hermes doesn't want to include NTFS support in his cIOS too. Il y a environ 7 heures via choqoK en réponse à Ugemmogge

# Today is tomorrow!! (today is what?) Rev18 release and modules source update in github coming soon. Il y a environ 20 heures via choqoK

# Rev18 release is... tomorrow.

Tout est dit... J'aime bien la remarque sur le NTFS aussi, je suis d'accord sur les arguments. :)

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