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j'ai downgrader ma Wii 3.4e en 3.2e, j'ai installer hbc , bootmii et preloader 0.29, hbc ne se lance pas a partir de preloader. je voudrai donc installer preloader 0.30, mais il faut patcher un ios mais je ne sais pas lequel , j'ai pas mal google mais pas trouvé, si quelqun peut m'aider merci d'avance.

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Merci pour la réponse,

dans le readme:

------------------------------------------* preloader v0.30 (installer) by phpgeek *------------------------------------------This installer/removal tool will install Preloader v0.30. It is also capable of updatingany previous version and can be installed over the top of an older install. There is alsoa removal option that will restore your system menu and clean all traces of Preloaderfrom your system.Usage:Press (+) to install or update Preloader.Press (-) to remove Preloader and restore your system menu.Hold Down ( with any of the above options to use IOS249.Press (HOME) to chicken out and quit the installer!To access Preloader and configure it please hold (RESET) during the boot cycle.Requirements:You will need the IOS used to boot the system menu to be patched with ES_Verify. This version ofthe installer does NOT currently patch your IOS for you so please use DOP IOS or Free The Bug!!!Disclaimer:This tool comes without any warranties and I accept no liability if you turn your wii into apaper weight with it. This tool has been tested on a large number of WII's, without a singlebrick that couldn't be recovered from. Hopefully you will have no serious issues with it!Kudos:Crediar (source)DacoTaco (additional mods)/phpgeek

La seul phrase qui indique quel ios patché est:"You will need the IOS used to boot the system menu to be patched with ES_Verify. This version ofthe installer does NOT currently patch your IOS for you so please use DOP IOS or Free The Bug!!!"Je me demandais surtout comment savoir quel numéro d'IOS patché.edit: également quand je lance dop ios, il me demande quel est le ios que je veux utiliser pour installer les autres Ooedit 2: J'ai installer preloader 0.30 par dessus le 0.29, maintenant il boot HBC (sans avoir touché au ios)

Modifié par Nuja
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