XBMC 19-08-2007 SVN rev9999 build - T3CH


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Nouvelle version de XBMC 2.0.1, lecteur multimédia pour Xbox qu'on ne présente plus.

Pour rappel, XBMC n'utilise plus le système CVS mais SVN pour la gestion des sources. De même, les versions T3CH intègrent désormais la version XBMC Win32 PC environment (fichier .exe) dont nous vous expliquions le fonctionnement sur cet article.

Voici le changelog de cette version :

Citation :

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pike's Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN pre0.98.9 rev1435 [scripts: Apple Movie Trailers]

- EnderW & Blittan's XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMCScripts]

- Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5.5 rev1325 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMC Lyrics]

- Asteron's Tetris 1.0 SCRIPT [scripts: Tetris]

- Nuka1195's T3CH Downloader SCRIPT rev1450 [scripts: T3CH Downloader]

- Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/:*]

- PM3 Red Theme + PM3 Blue Theme by Jezz_X

- 9999 - nice even number! Will be fun to see what Team XBMC has in store for the next 10000 revisions!

- AMT + T3CH downloader scripts updated due to changes on my website.

- added: basic UPnP renderer, remote control playback of xbmc from another UPnP device. ( currently fails to update status correctly to controller, so expect some oddities ). Use intel's upnp AV Media Controller for example to test for example.

- fixed: 100% CPU usage during screensavers

- 2007-08-19 9999 fixed: root of video library would sometimes give wrong node id's to recently added movies/tvshows folders fixed: upnp server gave wrong parent id to root of music/video library item.

- 2007-08-19 9995 updated: Swedish language file by blittan (based on english 9956)

- 2007-08-19 9994 fixed: typo

- 2007-08-18 9987 fixed: Smart playlist editor now edits duration as a MM:SS field, rather than seconds.

- 2007-08-18 9983 fixed: missing string for album compilations for music db changed: make sure music/video database directory logs a warning for missing labels for nodetypes

- 2007-08-18 9982 changed: upnp client will not show folders that are known to be empty changed: always give item count for video files, audio files, picture files upnp roots

- 2007-08-18 9981 fixed: thumbnails for folders should now work over upnp too

- 2007-08-17 9979 fixed: Wrap around listitem(offset).* wasn't working correctly in lists.

- 2007-08-17 9976 reverted: parts of previous commit that was wrong

- 2007-08-17 9975 fixed: XBMC_PC and XBMC on xbox wouldn't find eachother properly over upnp

- 2007-08-17 9974 changed: store upnpserver.xml in userdata instead of system

- 2007-08-17 9973 changed: reorganized upnp options.

- 2007-08-17 9969 added: upnp server now exports xbmc's video/music library. files on xbox hd are exported by http server, external items with their own url. Note hardly any client apart from xbmc will understand urls such as shout://,smb:// and other internal xbmc variants, so you might have limited luck with external files.

- 2007-08-17 9968 changed: add some more label names to CVideoDatabaseDirectory::GetLabel changed: make GetLabel of CMusicDatabaseDirectory and CVideoDatabaseDirectory static

- 2007-08-16 9966 fixed: Lists with static content didn't save their focused item.

- 2007-08-15 9956 added: basic UPnP renderer, remote control playback of xbmc from another UPnP device. ( currently fails to update status correctly to controller, so expect some oddities ). Use intel's upnp AV Media Controller for example to test for example.

- 2007-08-15 9954 changed: don't recreate yuv->rgb lookup textures on configure, if parameters are the same as before

- 2007-08-15 9953 fixed: Race condition in slideshow could cause double attempt at loading images (which uses memory).

- 2007-08-15 9951 fixed: 100% CPU usage during screensavers.

- 2007-08-15 9948 fixed: Very short comments could crash the EXIF parser.

- 2007-08-14 9943 changed: some nitpicks with labels in recently added nodes in video and music library

- 2007-08-14 9942 fixed: * all albums item sorted wrong in a couple of nodes

- 2007-08-14 9941 fixed: upnp server wouldn't serve paths wich ended with a slash updated: upnp lib Platinum to 0.3.8 revision.

- 2007-08-14 9940 fixed: CVirtualPathDirectory::GetTypeAndSource didn't set type parameters (if there was a reason for the change let me know, as upnp server needs it)

- 2007-08-14 9939 added: recently added movies/episode nodes to the video library

- 2007-08-14 9938 changed: guilib project had different include paths in release build than it did in debug build.

- 2007-08-14 9936 fixed: win32 Release build compile issue.

- 2007-08-14 9934 fixed: xbox compile failed due to missing IP_MULTICAST_LOOP

- 2007-08-13 9933 fixed: MAX_STREAMS where wrong in XBMC_PC build for dvdplayer

- 2007-08-13 9932 changed: always double buffer in XBMC_PC build changed: added same types of ugly locks to XBMC_PC rendermanager as xbox fixed: renderers would crash when exiting fullscreen

- 2007-08-13 9931 changed: handle upnp tags separate for video/audio/picture items changed: upnp now sends responses/announces on the loopback interface too (windows media player does so on local machine)

- 2007-08-13 9930 fixed: Delete and Rename from media views didn't clear the fileitem cache.

- 2007-08-13 9929 fixed: include paths in guilib.

- 2007-08-13 9928 fixed: All "old format" static content wasn't rendered.

- 2007-08-13 9927 fixed: wrong define used

- 2007-08-13 9926 fixed: type which caused upnp thumbs not to be cached

- 2007-08-13 9925 added: basic video renderer for win32 build. doesn't work on my machine, but it should work if graphic card supports pixelshader 1.3

- 2007-08-13 9924 fixed: curl could assert if something threw an exception inside fixed: curl didn't work in win32 build added: thumbnail loading for upnp client

- 2007-08-13 9923 fixed: make upnp folders have a trailing slash.

- 2007-08-13 9921 added:
to fadelabel control to start the scrolling position at other than the left margin.

download.gif XBMC 19-08-2007 SVN rev9999 build - T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.comLien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=5007

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