Firmware 1.8 Debug Leaked

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hello all :D

allez comme on dit chez moi : en revoirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

c'est ou chez toi dje ?lol :rolleyes:

Sinon j'ai pas compris grand chose a la news...mais a ce que j'en lis ce firm pourrait permettre de faire avancer le hack de la ps3 ? (qui pour l'instant a ce que j'en sais est a 0)

Est ce que ca pourrait permettre par exemple l'apparition d'un lecteur divx sur ps3 en dur ?

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La news ne parle pas d'iso loader mais d'avancer du hack de la PS3... on pourrait voir un xbmc puissance 10... alors faut arrêter de croire que le hack ne stagne qu'au iso loader.

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C'est pas possible mais c'est que sa continue leurs conneries lool

Update #5: This will be the last update for this post... later today expect a new one with some VERY cool news. Until then, if you have some free time you can check out the ongoing Possible MPEG4 Exploit? thread by H3R3T1C and share your results with others there.
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a priori il y a une ps3 debut qui tourne chez un programmeur / hackeur

et le mec arrive a crée des .pkg, arrive a crée des fichier crypté

imaginé des homebrew crée sur la ps3 debug et compatible avec tt les ps3 plus besoin de hack juste des homebrew certifié " sony" a leur insue ca serai vriament exelent ( pour nous pas pour sony):


Today in iRC EFnet #PS3News our very own CJPC threw together a PS3 Debug PKG Test File displaying "!" (as pictured) in the PS3 Game Data Utility screen (the PS3 sees the PKG File as a 'GAME' File). If it is installed to a non-Debug console it will likely return the following "80029567" error as it is activating prior to downloading. We do NOT recommend attempting to install it to a retail PS3 console- do so at your own risk! It is intended for examination purposes ONLY.

From this simple PS3 Debug PKG file test we are now able to include executables while making PS3 .PKG files, and also it's no longer necessary to burn to Blu-ray Discs while testing code on Debug machines. For those curious, both make_package_npdrm and make_edata_npdrm were used (along with the CJPC's two images- the second splash image isn't shown) in creating the test PKG File. Word is, next up is a peek into the CELLFTP.self (which allows you to dump the PS3 side of the HDD).

source : ps3news

enfin c'est ce que j'en ai compris , si quelqu'un pouvais traduire thx

++ geo

Modifié par geodemars
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en clair il dit que c'est possible de lancer un pkg reconnu par la console en tant de jeu sur une PS3 debug mais que ca ne marche pas sur nos PS3 car ca lance un beau message d'erreur ;)

Donc c'est une sacrée avancé mais il reste enormement de taf pour voir quelque chose sur nos consoles ;)

En tous cas ca va super vite en ce moment :)

A suivre...

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La suite de l'épisode... ^_^

Update: HanSooloo has now updated/clarified his previous PS3 NAND Analysis which can be found HERE.

PS3 $DK Leaked! Just when PS3 Devs didn't think it could get much better than the recent PS3 $DK Docs and PS3 Debug Firmware leaks, today we are pleased to report that both budding developers and reverse-engineer specialists no longer have to wait... according to a VERY NiCE but anonymous source, the complete PS3 $DK has now been leaked!!

Before we go on it's important to note that we are only reporting news of the leak itself, and anyone asking/requesting any of the related files will have their account terminated without warning. It is illegal to possess and/or distribute the contents unless you are a licensed developer (in which case you can obtain it directly from $ony).

With that being stated, those interested can view the v1.60 PS3 $DK Complete FileList (Size: contains 941 directories; 5,551 files; 464,400,960 bytes). Also, in a brief NOTE of interest thus far: the PS3 creates a FAT system partition for temporary storage... and also below are a few areas resident PS3 Devs are currently focusing on within the $DK:

· Compiling and running code via 'acquired' Dev hardware

· Gaining a better understanding how the PS3 console works

· Encrypting our own Debug executables (make_fself: essentially normal PS3 ELF -> PS3 SELF [secure/crypted]) on Dev boxes

· Identifying and examining $CE calls/functions- this will lead to the creation of a "free" PS3$DK as it did with PS2 (inside joke: simply remove "sce_" flags and it's legal!)

· Through disassembly, sort the exact ELF->SELF method; extract Debug encryption keys

· PS3 Cell File System: In this v1.60 $DK, mkfs.self (CELL FS format utility) comparison VS from v0.50-v0.80 $DK mkfs.elf (which weren't encrypted, so can be ran and disassembled)

· Make and store games on a Dev box via $DK.. including signing them for Dev machines

· PSX(PS1)/PS2 region settings; future region switching shouldn't be difficult based on a preliminary examination

· Other areas of peak interest thus far: and (hardware documentation packages)

· A LOT more- the above is from an extremely brief peek only

Finally, for non-Devs even some of the related tools seem interesting as well:

Quote: Reference Tool CP update file Sample Data gcc/gdb Windows gcc/gdb Linux Documents Disc Image Generator Eclipse Plugins Performance Analyzer Tools at3tool PAMF Tools MultiStream Tools SEdit VAG Converter

Once again, HUGE THANKS to the kind anonymous soul who has passed along this VERY cool PS3 $DK leak information! Hopefully in the near future it will bring about many interesting PS3 developments... with the obvious goal being a fully functional "Hello World" PS3!

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re, a priori le firmware leak est un 1.8 donc pour l'instant oui :)

++ geo


A priori , ce n'est pas si sur que çà car le kit de dev serait en version 1.6 : With that being stated, those interested can view the v1.60 PS3 $DK Complete FileList

On peut donc croire que les .pkg crées à partir de ces outils puissent seulement tourner sur des consoles en 1.6 ( pour le moment du moins ).

Mais bon, en l'espace de 2 jours, la scene Ps3 a retrouvé un tel sang neuf que tout reste ouvert au point que ce qui est à penser aujourd'hui ne le

sera peut être plus demain !! :rolleyes:

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mettez pas la charrue avant les boeufs , les pkg marcheront sur 1.80 ca c'est sur mais un probleme persiste , ca marche que sur les PS3 debug et pas sur les machine vendue dans le commerce

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Faudrait peut être demander à Paradox ou à Ferrox comment il faut faire ? -_-

Pff la blague lol paradox sa devient un paradox et ferrox, autant appeller fox mcloud..

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Faudrait peut être demander à Paradox ou à Ferrox comment il faut faire ? -_-

Pff la blague lol paradox sa devient un paradox et ferrox, autant appeller fox mcloud..

tu croyais pas dur comme fer en ferrox (sans jeu de mot)...?

Je me souviens d'un post ou tu avais des infos sur leur loader... et tu y croyais apparement.

En tout cas c'est clair qu'il ne faut rien attendre de ces deux la, et que par contre, la ca sent vraiment deja meilleur, merci pour les infos.


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Faudrait peut être demander à Paradox ou à Ferrox comment il faut faire ? -_-

Pff la blague lol paradox sa devient un paradox et ferrox, autant appeller fox mcloud..

tu croyais pas dur comme fer en ferrox (sans jeu de mot)...?

Je me souviens d'un post ou tu avais des infos sur leur loader... et tu y croyais apparement.

En tout cas c'est clair qu'il ne faut rien attendre de ces deux la, et que par contre, la ca sent vraiment deja meilleur, merci pour les infos.


Tout mes posts jusqu'a preuve du contraire étais ironique... et j'y croyez pas, je disez que le loader existe belle et bien mais pour lui même. Le problème c'est que le mec en question est un des beta testeurs de sony... donc en gros il bossé bien avec un kit de dev, la voila peut-être l'infos qui est parvenu jusqu'a maintenant.

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Re voici un truck interessant le mec arrive a lancé un backup avec une faille du xmb ( juste le boot du jeux )

BREAKiNG NEWS: PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!! - Jun 07, 2007 - 6:37 PM - by PS3News

Update: Here is a brief update for the time being: For starters, as mentioned in our Past News we were going to examine the CELLFTP.self (which allows you to dump the PS3 side of the HDD). Unfortunately through experimenting, no open ports were found after a portscan. As a result, it would only return to the XMB without error... so for now we're passing on this avenue.

Next up, we would like to clarify a few things about the Site News topic as follows: The reason the TITLE is "PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!!" is because the originating media in hacked2123's video was a Blu-ray Disc. As the game he chose happened to fit on a standard DVD-R, he opted to burn it to one (in this case) instead of using a Blu-ray Disc Recordable... which is logical as it saves money too. Not all PS3 games will fit onto a DVD-R, so it's important to NOTE that some will require a BD-R using this 'XMB Hole' Method.

Finally, the way this specific PS3 XMB Hole works is that the OtherOS Installer does not verify the SELF it runs, and can run any properly-signed SELF file. Currently hacked2123 is using a SELF (HDD Formatter) from the recent $DK leak- this wipes the HDD and as a result, puts the PS3 into a 'special' Mode... which in turn authenticates the disc. It will BOOT the PS3 Blu-ray Back-Up (in this case on a DVD-R) fine, however, as stated previously it will not RUN the game... possibly because hacked2123 only tried with a DVD-R versus an actual Blu-ray Disc Recordable (which is the proper media for the PS3's blue laser).

The steps involved were as follows:

1) Make a directory or use your Memory Card- for example: D:\PS3\OTHEROS

2) Copy the OtherOS.self (Mkfs.self via $DK renamed) to D:\PS3\OTHEROS\otheros.self

3) Put it in your PS3 and navigate to "Install OtherOS" along with confirming your selection by pressing "OK"

4) The PS3 screen will go black, and it will erase the entire HDD (there will likely be a way around this, we're only using the HDD Formatter SELF at this time)

5) When it's complete (your PS3 may reboot, don't worry) place an ORIGINAL PS3 game disc in

6) Eject the disc, and place in another ORIGINAL PS3 game disc

7) Eject once more, and place your LEGAL BACK-UP PS3 game disc in the drive

8) Give it a few seconds to read the disc, and it will appear in the XMB

9) Finally, press X and that's it... it will BOOT up but not RUN the PS3 game back-up

Be sure to check back for updates, as this process is likely to change/improve heavily over the next few days.

source : ps3news

Si quelqun pouvais tester car je n'ai pas encore partitionné mon dd :) ( la flemme de tout sauvegarder lol )

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le probleme c'est que le backup ne se lancera pas donc pour le moment ca sert a rien de partitionner ta ps3

Le jeux boot sur le XMB mais ne se lance pas, donc inutile pour le moment ;) de plus quand tu sais qu'un jeux fait un minimu de 6Go et peut aller jusqu'a 23Go c'est sur que ca tiendra pas sur DVD lol

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