Mise à Jour De La Cyclo Presque Dispo


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Tout est dans le titre.

Source : http://www.teamcyclops.com

The first CycloWiz upgrade is almost ready! It will be released later this week together with instructions on how to upgrade your chip via DVD. Here are the new features:

- Direct boot of NTSC Wii imports on NTSC consoles (no patch needed)

- Direct boot of PAL Wii imports on NTSC consoles (no patch needed, partial compatibility)

- Direct boot of NTSC Wii imports on PAL consoles (no patch needed, partial compatibility)

- Runs imported GC games (partially without swap)

- Perfect compatibility (100% of games are working)

- Improved read (no more slowdowns)

- Compatible with DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD+RW (no bitsetting required)

- Fully upgradable via DVD

- Direct boot of Wii backups

- Direct boot of GC backups

- Direct boot of homebrew in GC mode

- Build-in audio fix (no patch required)

- Compatible with Multi-Disc games

- Stealth mode

- Multi-purpose LED

- Chips supplied in professional ESD packing

- Very easy to install

- It's the real thing, the chip is already shipping!

As you can see, thanks to the upgrade feature of CycloWiz, we'll make sure our customers always have the best chip in terms of features and compatibility.

The installation manual has been translated in seven different languages, check the download section!

Je retire donc ce que j'ai dit concernant l'update.

Modifié par zouzzz
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c'est mieux ca qu'un silence radio

regarde ca marche bien avec sony 1an de report de la ps3 ca empeche pas les gens d'en acheter(ou reserver) et de croire en cette console.

alors pourquoi pas en tous cas c'est mieux que certaines puces qui ont l'air parfaites mais dont ont ne vois ni images ni infos vraiment concretes.

et c'est toujours mieux qu'une wiinja v1 v2 ou la ont peut carrement pas la mettre a jour.

Modifié par cedric1127
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