Gc Pirate Au Niveau Des Dvd ?


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GameCube Piracy in Hong Kong

gamersmark.com reports:

News is just breaking about GameCube games getting pirated in Hong Kong. Not by way of mini CD or using a modified GameCube, but the Panasonic Q. Read on...

"But these news are just too good to wait any longer: Using the Panasonic Q with it's DVD playback availability, the first Gamecube games have been successfully pirated and copied onto DVD-R format. We have seen it with our own eyes and tested them immediately with our machines - no hoax this time. They work flawless with both modded and "naked" Qs. Available titles so far include Super Monkey Ball, Star Wars, Extreme GIII Racing and Hyper Sports 2002 Winter. All titles are japanese versions, because according to our source, "american titles are not widespread in the Hong Kong market due to a lack of potential customers with modified Panasonic machines, which are still very expensive and people still prefer the PS2", but we assume this may change very soon, as we all know, asians are going copy-crazy for everything. The backups retail in the local market for around US$ 12.80 (100.00 HKD) and are pressed on Apple media."

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Ce monde commence à me plaire..

Microsoft qui fait des PC exprès pour Linux

Apple qui fabrique des DVD-R pour GC

Et bientot:

Logitech qui se reconvertit dans la mort-au-rats

Renault qui fabrique des vélos

TF1 qui diffuse des programmes de qualités

Et un tas de nouvelles réjouissantes à venir en 2004!!

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