Pmp Mod V2.01 + Pmp Muxer V2.01


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28th May 2006

PMP Mod v2.01 + PMP Muxer v2.01


- The color space conversion is now done with the GU (inspiration taken from the standard JiniCho's PMP 0.0.6). Speed increase of about 4fps. Quality also slightly increase (due to chroma interpolation).

- Luminosity boost - with right/left trigger (inspiration taken from malloc).

- Aspect ratio - you can switch between original, 4/3, 16/9, 2.35 (right/left with the analog joystick).

- Zoom up to 200% (up/down with the analog joystick).

- OSD (O to activate it)

- Player & Muxer: the new video resolution limit is 720x512 (obviously 720x512 clips will stutters a lot)

- Muxer: added the check for writing errors.

Notes for developers:

The only ME code left is for the idct. I've also changed the memory allocation strategy (now there are no assumptions about the initial free memory).

This means that should be easyer now to make it work on fw 2.00+ (to make it effectively usable, some optimizations are still needed).

great work jonny !!! :)))

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compatible avec PMP Simple Converter 0.08 ReadyPack !!! :remplacer le muxer + muxer tk du pack d'origine ...

testé OK !!!

simplement toujours limité à la resolution native pmp avec ce converter 0.08 ...

zoom : stick up/down

aspect ratio : stick left right ...

du bon taf !!! :)


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