Mtkflash 1.83c Err:fail To Identify The Flash Type!


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Either i hang like a monkey, or I get this B.S.....

Port : 1f0, Master/Slave : a0

ManuId : 90 ManuId1 : 90 bDevId : 90

ManuId : 90 ManuId1 : 90 bDevId : 90

ERR : fail to identify the flash type!

Any Tips? ;)

j'ai eut exactement ce souci , c'est que ta carte mère n'est pas compatible , soit achette une carte pci sata en sachant que tu as une chance sur deux de tomber sur un chipset qui soit compatible ou teste avec plusieurs PC.

moi j'ai été obligé d'emprunter le PC d'un ami !

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In English for my USA Bro's

(I have had this concern exactly, it is that your mother chart is not compatible, either achette a chart NCV sata by knowing that you have a chance on two to fall on a chipset which or compatible or tests with several PC.

me I was obliged to borrow the PC of a friend!)

Hey thanks...

Go Figure....

It just so happens to be, that I have 2 non-compatable pc's. what's my luck on making it work with a PCI card with a silicon chipset????

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Either i hang like a monkey, or I get this B.S.....

Port : 1f0, Master/Slave : a0

ManuId : 90 ManuId1 : 90 bDevId : 90

ManuId : 90 ManuId1 : 90 bDevId : 90

ERR : fail to identify the flash type!

Any Tips? ;)


essaye la commande mtkflash r /sata /m orig.bin

try this : mtkflash r /sata /m orig.bin

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