How Can I Delete The Info Of Ip, Xbox Ver

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Each section corresponds in the name of the file xbc (editable with notepad)

in [ConfigSysteme] you have:


1=2GAM ....................... Left empty to reinitialize the configuration (NOT available yet)

2=oui/non .................... Confirm each application start

3=keyb/nike .................. Password Style ('keyb' to input by keyboard or 'nike' for button combo by joystick)

4=oui/non .................... Display the clock

5=text/tHc ................... Clock display type ('tHc' shows date&time in a panel)

6=1/2/3/...................... Clock text size ('10' by default)

7=date/heure/total ........... Clock display format

8=oui/non .................... Display Shift

9=hd/hg/bd/bg ................ Clock position: 'hd'= Top Right, 'hg'= Top Left, 'bd'= Bottom Right or 'bg'= Bottom Left

10=oui/non/demande ........... Auto-Launch the Audio CD (enter 'demande' to confirm each start)

11=interne/'Xbmc' ............ Audio CD playing method ('interne' for the [internal] player or application name)

12=interne/'Dvdx'/'Xbmc' ..... Video DVD playing method ('interne' for the [internal] player or application name)

13=oui/non/demande ........... Auto-Launch Games/Applications DVD/CD (launchs the 'default.xbe' executable found in the root of the DVD/CD)

14=oui/non/demande ........... Auto-Launch unknown DVD/CD

15='Xbmc' .................... Name of the Application to launch for unknown DVD/CD

16=oui/non ................... Display the Hardware Infos of the xbox

17=0/100 ..................... Fan Speed /!\ BE CAREFULL, you risk to overheat your xbox, if the velocity is too loo /!\ (30 par default)

18=oui/non ................... Display the Temperatures of CPU / System

19=Original/Verre ............ Apparence General des Menus

20=oui/non ................... Display the background Vizualizer

21=C/F ....................... Affichage des Temperature en degree 'C'elsius ou 'F'arenheit

change red line in "non"

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