Supercard 2.53


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le nouveau convertisseur Supercard 2.53 est arrivé, voici les améliorations :


1. Fixed some bugges of NDSROMS 0399,0400,0388,0390,0223.

2. Increasing the num of NDS ROM PATCH Lib to 0405.

3. Added the option of NDS linkage function. Solving some of NDS games instability.

Important: Software V2.53 should work with firmware 1.61. Any user should pay attention about the CF ver. and SD ver., they are different.

NDS game GBA linkage function: Should select the NDS linkage function option when coverting NDS game, and the GBA game should be clear ROM with the same name as NDS game. The GBA game do not need to be coverted (such as: 0094Castlevania.dsq, should be have a 0094Castlevania.gba).

le site officiel étant très lent aujourd'hui, voici la version SD sur mon ftp : setupsdV253en.rar

Modifié par deagle
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