Changelog Xbmc Lié à Python


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La version 2 de XBMC devrait bientôt nous arriver, Je me suis donc dit qu'il serait bon de comémorer l'évènement en proposant un petit historique du changelog lié à python.

**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************									 Xbox Media Center CHANGELOG**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************added/fixed: (dd-mm-yyyy) (please specify date in CET) - 17-01-2006 fixed: Crash in My Music Playlist window when new files are queued via another thread (web, python etc.) - 17-01-2006 fixed: Label2 alignment in listcontrols (including python) - 09-01-2006 fixed: Python list controls would crash. - 24-12-2005 fixed: list and textbox spincontrols in python - 15-11-2005 added: sf patch #1350866 modified playselected() python function - 15-11-2005 added: sf patch #1350867 new position() python function - 01-11-2005 fixed: applied sf patch #1283584 to fix some python control issues, (Thnx to hempster) - 30-10-2005 added: [ 1336095 ] new playselected(position) python function, plays a certain item from the current playlist, thanks to nicko2k. - 28-10-2005 fixed: possible thread synchronisation problems in python - 02-08-2005 fixed: Python dialogs wouldn't render. - 27-07-2005 fixed: python did not work at all after the dll update - 21-07-2005 added: made HTTPAPI callable from Python scripts - 02-07-2005 fixed: Scaling of python windows. - 01-07-2005 added: Window methods getResolution() and setCoordinateResolution() to python interface.  Should allow XBMC to scale control sizes and positions, removing the burden off python coders. - 14-06-2005 added: CGUIListControl::SetPageControlVisible() exposed to python. - 15-04-2005 added: selectItem method to ControlList for python, thanks to sambarza. - 14-04-2005 added: Python bindings for built in XBMC functions. Based on SF patch [ 1175015 ] thanks to thor918. - 14-04-2005 added: patch [ 1182692 ]: Fix XBMC lockup with empty python list control selection, thanks to gimblefoot. - 13-04-2005 fixed: controlbutton python docs. - 06-04-2005 fixed: Python checkmark controls. - 05-04-2005 added: Python patches [ 1166891 ] and [ 1176789 ] from gimblefoot. - 18-03-2005 added: & sample python scripts to xbmc\scripts - thanks to gimblefoot - 18-03-2005 added: [ 1163487 ] Expose more CGUIListItem methods to python xbmcgui.ListItem, setLabel2() - set the second label on the list item, getLabel2() - get the second label from the list item, setThumbnailImage() - set the thumbnail image for the list item, setIconImage() - set the icon image for the list item, keyword parameters support for ListItem constructor. - thanks to gimblefoot - 11-03-2005 added: [ 1160414 ] Added new methods to xbmc.Player python class. onPlayBackStopped() (user stop), getTotalTime() (duration of current media), getTime() (position of current media), seekTime( double pos ) (seek to specified position) - thanks to gimblefoot - 11-03-2005 added: [ 1160400 ] Added ControlCheckMark in Python - thanks to gimblefoot - 09-03-2005 fixed: Only the first python control was reading from references.xml correctly. - 03-03-2005 fixed: music overlay sometimes shows no default thumb, eg. when starting a http stream with python - 13-02-2005 added: Keymapping for python debug - only runs from the Scripts window - thanks to EnderW + NotWired. - 07-11-2004 added: xbmc will now check for necessary files when executing a python script - 20-10-2004 added: ssl support to python - 20-10-2004 added: python dll loading, this means python can now make use of extension .pyd 					 (make sure you update your python/lib directory) - 17-10-2004 fixed: python controls like labels and buttons are now verticaly aligned by default - 25-09-2004 fixed: [ 1024803 ] Python and Mouse - 19-09-2004 fixed: SF bug 1030531: Crash when skin change after python is used. - 07-09-2004 fixed: python dll loading ('import unicodedata' should work again) - 18-08-2004 added: more python objects and functions to control xbmc - 08-08-2004 fixed: since last python update, all the python dialogs (like dialogok and dialogyesno) didn't work anymore - 06-08-2004 added: python unicodedata library to cvs (this means no more idna ecoding errors in scripts) - 06-08-2004 added: python scripts can now be started from my files to - 06-08-2004 changed: python uses the new keyboard now - 06-08-2004 added: python: getControl function to get access to xbmc control's - 06-08-2004 fixed: python: sometimes onControl / onAction was not alway's called if a button or action event occured - 06-08-2004 added: python: dialog window for creating custom dialogs - 04-07-2004 changed: output of python scripts to the script info window is now limited to 5 pages - 03-07-2004 changed: updated python engine to version 2.3.4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------XBMC V 1.0.0------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 07-05-2004 fixed: creating dialogs with python crashes xbmc - 18-04-2004 added: when no texture is supplied when creating python control, it will try to find the texture name in					 references.xml instead of using a hardcoded default. - 18-04-2004 fixed: when creating a python window from within a python window xbmc would crash - 13-04-2004 added: new python methods (getLanguage, getIPAddress, getDVDState, getFreeMem, getCpuTemp) - 13-04-2004 added: python documentation - 12-04-2004 fixed: bug in python fuction window.addControl() - 06-04-2004 fixed: python, playlist items did not get freed properly (small memory leak) - 06-04-2004 fixed: a bug in python where adding a python control to a python window could crash xbmc - 06-04-2004 added: added a listcontrol to python module xbmcgui - 05-04-2004 added: getLocalizedString function for python - 04-04-2004 added: python, gui lock and unlock for faster GUI manipulation with python - 04-04-2004 added: python, textbox - 04-04-2004 fixed: removed unneeded includes in the python library - 26-03-2004 added: virtual keyboard for python - 24-03-2004 added: pyexpat module to python, should fix all those xml problems - 13-03-2004 fixed: in python changed getdiscription to getdescription - 11-03-2004 fixed: if a file is created/opened by python, nothing else can access it. - 02-03-2004 added: logging of python errors to q:\log - 02-03-2004 added: added playlist support for python (pls / m3u files)		    - 02-02-2004 update: python: fixed some bugs and added playlist's / window buttons for use in scripts - 28-11-2003 added: auto execute script at startup (see python\ - 28-11-2003 added: windows and controls which makes it possible to draw images and text in xbmc with python

Je me doute que cette info n'est d'aucune, mais absolument aucune utilité, mais ca me faisait plaisir !

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ahhh le monde de "l'open"... même les softs FR deviennent anglais lorsqu'il s'agit de faire du développement dit 'opensource' (exemple de VLC)

Le plus simple reste encore d'apprendre l'anglais !

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ahhh le monde de "l'open"... même les softs FR deviennent anglais lorsqu'il s'agit de faire du développement dit 'opensource' (exemple de VLC)

Le plus simple reste encore d'apprendre l'anglais !

mince voila que tu parle comme mes prof :fouf:

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JE sais pas ce que tu en penses, je sais pas si tu vas me croire, je sais même pas si je suis crédible, mais en tous cas je le pense vraiment, apprendre l'anglais est absolument nécessaire !!!

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