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Messages posté(e)s par ciondieu

  1. Update ! :)

    - 30-01-2006 removed : <include> tag from SettingsCatagory.xml controls, cause some strange button appeared under the text. - 30-01-2006 added   : Background panel for List.Items Thumbs, it uses a standard one and one special for DVD covers. - 30-01-2006 fixed   : List.Items Thumbs wheren't using the right size for 16x9, keep aspect ratio is set to treu. - 30-01-2006 added   : List.Items Thumbs for video files (4x3,16x9), also added it to scripts.xml and MyPrograms.xml. - 30-01-2006 removed : My Games,Programs, Emulator buttons from MyPrograms menu, use "b"/"red" button to goto those options.  - 29-01-2006 changed : Panel image of DialogButtonMenu.xml, also did the one for FileStacking.xml, they now match. - 29-01-2006 changed : System.IdleTime of Menu Vis drop in, set time from 10 seconds to 20.. 10 seconds was way to fast. - 29-01-2006 removed : All unused buttons from PDM options menu, this will slightly decrease time when going upwards. - 29-01-2006 fixed   : VideoFullscreen.xml crashes from time to time, forgot to remove some text that where out of the controls. - 28-01-2006 fixed   : Button in DialogSelect.xml (16x9) cause it was using the wrong position and button texture and Background. - 28-01-2006 removed : Custom4.xml & Custom5.xml cause they are no longer needed, renamed Custom6.xml to be Custom4.xml - 28-01-2006 changed : Cleaned up PDM code and moved some parts of them into includes.xml, for adjusting all options at ones. - 28-01-2006 removed : All unused Backgrounds from Textures.xpr, and some parts are now multi-usable mainly for menu's. - 28-01-2006 changed : The way Menu where displayed on the screen, cut the backs in 3 pieces for slide/fade effect when media playing.

    PDM V1.90 (30-Jan).rar

    Il marche parfaitement avec la version : XBMC 29-01-2006 (T3CH)


  2. Up !

    - 25-01-2006 changed : XBMC-logo1.png to XBMC-logo1.bak, now only 1 logo is used as default, rename if you want more logos.

    - 25-01-2006 added : Non-transperant Backs for DialogAlbum/Script/VideoInfo.xml because stuff was visible under it (4x3,16x9).

    - 25-01-2006 added : Player Time/Remaining Time/Duration Time/DVD cover,and more info's to VideoFullScreen.xml.

    - 25-01-2006 added : Remaining Time info label to MusicVisualisation.xml and, cause it's used everywhere like that.

    - 23-01-2006 removed : All "Keepaspectratio" tags from list/thumbpanels, cause they are always using keepaspectratio.

    - 23-01-2006 fixed : DialogFileStacking CD labels weren't in the middle of the screen, also added "scroll" for long labels.

    - 23-01-2006 changed : The information icon used by Xlink Kai notification, positions weren't right either.. now it is.

    - 23-01-2006 added : Some more info's to Home Musc/Video Info.. now you have Player Time, Remaining Time and Duration Time.

    - 23-01-2006 fixed : DialogMusic/video/ScriptInfo.xml didn't obey "allowoverlay" tag, added <zorder> tag and now they do obey.

    PDM V1.90 (25-Jan).rar

  3. Update again ^^

    - 22-01-2006 added : PlayerControl to PAL16x9, and gave it the right "X" position.. centered under the music covers.

    - 22-01-2006 added : MusicOverlay.xml to PAL16x9 folder, cause music covers of playing media weren't really square.

    - 22-01-2006 changed : PlayerControl "X" position by +15 pixels, now player control stands centered under the music covers.

    - 22-01-2006 added : ScanLines image to "Skin Credits", because it was missing in that window and wasn't looking very good.

    - 22-01-2006 added : Visibility tag to List.Item Thumbs in My Programs, MyPics & MyMusic,..When Player.HasAudio it's gone.

    - 22-01-2006 changed : List.Item Thumb size cause they weren't matching up with icons used by MusicOverlay.xml (4x3 and 16x9).

    - 22-01-2006 removed : List.Items for Movie files in 4x3 and 16x9,DVD covers are not square and they really looked fucked up.

    PDM 22 jan 2006

  4. Update !

    - 21-01-2006 changed : Music/Video info labels in Home.xml, they now scroll when text is to long for max. width.

    - 21-01-2006 changed : Settings menu icons, they don't change size anymore... also redesigned the select focus things.

    - 21-01-2006 added : Visualisation in menu backs of Custom2.xml (PDM Options), Custom3.xml (Skin Credits),Custom6.xml.

    - 21-01-2006 changed : DialogFileStacking.xml (expirimental), it now uses the same back as buttonmenu and shows cd/label info's.

    - 21-01-2006 fixed : Button "textoffset" in Settings & PDM options weren't matching up with the other offsets used by buttons.

    - 21-01-2006 added : Play button to DialogVideoInfo.xml, now you can start a movie from there if you want to.

    - 21-01-2006 changed : System Info fonts, they were much to transperant ,changed color from "70ffffff" to "90ffffff".

    PDM (21-Jan-2006)

  5. Salutation :)

    Comme je suis un Grand Fan de Links2XBMC, j'ai choisi d'en fair mon premier splash.


    A copier et remonner Q:\media\splash.png

    j'aimerai trouver un moyen d'avoir un random de splash a chaque redémarrage (peu etre possible en pyrhon ) ^^


  6. Op !!! encore Une !!! PDM V1.90 (20-Jan-2006).rar


    - 20-01-2006 fixed : PDM Main-Gradient (under buttonscroller) didn't fade in when Home window was opened, now it does.

    - 20-01-2006 changed : XBMC Logo image, because the old image was cut to small and shadows were cut aswell.

    - 20-01-2006 changed : All fonts used in "Settings/PDM Options" buttons, from font10 to font13, to match up with other buttons.

    Je pense qu'il met a jour son archive a chaque modification ^^
