Dreamshell ?


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Voici une news qui date un peu mais j'up car la Dream mérite bien un peu de revival, je me demande donc si certains ont testé ce qui semble être un shell pour la Dream.

N'ayant plus de Dreamcast sous la main actuellement je poste en espérant que certains auraient ou pourront tester.

Voici une petite photo trouvée sur le web et le descriptif du homebrew.


Small description Of dreamShell NG of v3.0.0

This page of [posveshchena] to my project by the name Of dreamShell.

DreamShell - this is operating system for Sega Of dreamcast in the style of *nix.

At the given moment you observe the generation Of dreamShell by the name NG, this third generation Of dreamShell. Since this *nix system, she means it is governed shell by commands, from this it occurred the name Of dreamShell. Generation NG, contains already and the graphic shell, which another truth in the development.

Small aid upon commands:

In order to see the list of commands, introduce as the command the word of help and to you will fluoresce list with the commands. In order to learn about the designation of command introduce help of [imya]_[komandy] and to you will fluoresce small information about the command which you you will write after the word of help. If you want to learn as to use a command, then simply write it, without what or flag.

In this version Of dreamShell (in abbreviated form DS) there is the virtual keyboard, which gives the possibility to use DS to users without the keyboard. Control of the virtual keyboard:

START - to show/to hide the keyboard

DPAD - selection of the symbol

A - to print the selected symbol

B - to erase the symbol

By the X to use coded data

Y - to clean the screen

Passage upward.

[Koe] that about the sizes of files DS:

.gz - archive of gzip, it is unpacked and packs by command - gz

.bz2 - archive of bzip2, is unpacked and packs by command - bz2

.zip - archive of zip, is unpacked by command - zip, and it packs by command - unzip

.dsr - [Romdisk], this is the package file, which is connected in DS as folder by command - romdisk

.vm - this clean VMU file (RAW), it is converted by command - vmcp

.vmd - this dump VMU, i.e., all which was on the map (128 KB or it is possible to say 256 blocks) is written in one file, then it is possible to restore this dump back, this is done for retaining the reserve copy or for the association of files into one packet, all this it is possible to then [zaarkhivirovat] and to store where [nibud] on the mail or VMU. It is created and is restored by command - dumpvmu

.bin - program for Dreamcast, is started by command - exec

.klf - additional module (program or simply library) for DS, is used by a command - module

.dsi - this is the file of [installyatora], it is used by a command - install

.dsc - script, it is started command - dscript

.lua - LUA script, is started by command - lua

.ogg - [Media] the file of oggvorbis, is lost by command - ogg

.mp3 - [Media] the file of mp3, is lost by command - mp3

.jpg, png, pcx, tga, bmp, xpm, pnm, gif, tif, xcf, lbm - pictures, are used by [skinami] and is possible survey with the aid of the command - image

I can write the name of file in this form:

file.dsr.gz.vm - this means that this romdisk, which is packed into gz the archive and is converted in VMU file. Here is another example:

file.bin.gz - this indicates that this .bin the file (program), packed into gz the archive.

I advise to adhere to you the same technology that to the people it would be understandable, with which they deal. In the name VMU of file certainly everything can it will not be accomodated; therefore this can be written in the explanation VMU of file (it is written when you you convert what or file in VMU file).

Passage upward.

Information about the script (DScript):

This is the text file, in which are prescribed the commands, all commands which are there written they are fulfilled with its starting. Each command must begin from the new line, [komentariy] is designated by sign lattice - #, if we before the inscription place this sign, then entire which goes after this sign will not be considered command, program will go around this line and will begin to fulfill the following.



#[Nebolshoe] explanation about the designation of the script

#[Avtor] of the script



Is started DScript with the aid of the command of dscript

dscript /ram/script.dsc

Originally with the starting DS, DS it searches for on your VMU of romdisk (of type of [patch]) with the scripts, if DS does not find it, then it loads its romdisk and starts from it main script, romdisk lies here - /rd/path/dsc_path.dsr.bz2

You can make your script, directly in the mail of browser, then preserve it on VMU as letter. In DS you should [konvertitovat] this letter into the simple text file, this is how this is done:

vmcp - tf /vmu/a1/DREAMKEY.W00 /ram/script.dsc

Now you have almost finished script, but there is one [problemka], browser is written into the first 64 bytes of file, the information about this file and when script will be they will be carried out, DS to you will several times say the type there are no error, this command and entire similar. Therefore you should throw out these 64 bytes from the top of your script, this is done as follows:

readf /ram/script.dsc /ram/script1.dsc [razmer]_[skripta] (file) - 64_[bayta] 65

The size of your file you can learn by command ls with the flag - l, command ls shows what files are in that directory, in which you are situated, and if we to this command add flag - ls, then together with the names of files, DS will show their size (in the bytes). Passage on the directories is achieved by a command cd and in order to learn in what directory you you are located introduce the command of pwd.


cd /ram

ls - l

We learned the size of our file (for example 1024 bytes), necessary to throw out from the size of the file of 64 bytes which we pass and now we enter his explosive the command of readf:

readf /ram/script.dsc /ram/script1.dsc 960 65

Now you have a finished script, it lies here /ram/script1.dsc

You can appoint your script to the buttons F1-F12, for this you should introduce the command:

syscfg - F1 [adres]_[skripta]

syscfg - F2 [adres]_[skripta]

and so forth to F12

This can be prescribed in the main script.

Passage upward.

Command of lua

This command is used for the starting of lua of scripts, these scripts are pretty good extended in the world programming, here and I decided to use them in my project. To use a command is very easy:

lua of scriptname of argv

Are additional functions in the scripts Of lua those inculcated by me:), this is the possibility of use SDL of functions [v] scripts, by these you can create anything on them with the graphic formulation SDL! For example game or GUI for your applications. The description of library SDL you can find on the site of developer, and if it is tight with the English, then in you [inete] there are Russian textbooks. So were inculcated additional libraries for SDL: SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer, SDL_image, SDL_prim, SDL_gui.

But this yet not all:) In DS of lua are inculcated other functions KOS (fs, g2bus, modem, bzip2, gzip, libc, lwip and others) and some functions DS itself. The complete list of the inculcated BY SDL functions can be looked here

The complete list of the inculcated BY KOS functions can be looked here.

The complete list of the inculcated BY DS functions can be looked here.

All this converts DS into the completely programmed platform, moreover programs themselves can be written, also, on DC!

Even to lua it is possible to make the additional commands (they they lie into cmd_path, in this DS the directory of cmd).

Example of use into lua of the inculcated by me functions (based on the example SDL): In this C it appears as follows:

int of ticks;

ticks = Of sDL_GetTicks ();

But into lua thus:

local of ticks

ticks = Of sDL.SDL_GetTicks ()

As you understood from this example, all functions SDL those inculcated by me in DS of lua must be used with the prefix - SDL.

All KOS of function are used in exactly the same manner, only with the prefix - KOS.

But DS of function are used with the prefix - DS.

Example of use KOS of the functions:

KOS.strlen (“hello”)

Example of use DS of the functions:

DS.ds_exec_one (“help”)

This example will cause the command of help from lua of script with the aid of the inculcated function DS into lua. In DS is used lua of v5.0, do not so that entangle its standard functions v4, they differ.

I have a Russian textbook on v4 and the English on v5, you can read a little about the syntax in the Russian, well and for standard functions it is necessary to look in the English. So you can look examples of the scripts on the forum, which I write and other users.

Passage upward.

Work with [arkhivatorom] of gzip.

Example of the packing:

gz - c /ram/file.ds /ram/file.ds.gz

gz - this is command itself

- this is the flag for the command, which designates - to pack (compress)

/ram/file.ds - this is the invented by me address of file, you should write the address of the file, which you want to pack at this place.

/ram/file.ds.gz - this address where will be preserved the packed file.

Example of the unpacking:

gz - d /ram/file.ds.gz /ram/f.ds

gz - command

- d - flag for the command, which designates - to unpack (decompress)

/ram/file.ds.gz - address of file which you want to unpack.

/ram/f.ds - address where will be preserved the unpacked file.

Passage upward.

Work [romdiskom] (romdisk):

[Romdisk] (romdisk) - this is the package file, which includes several files, it has a expansion of.dsr and with it they work by command - romdisk.

In this command only of 2 flags, this - m and - u.

- m means mount of romdisk of image, i.e., to fasten [romdisk] (it is fastened as directory).

- u this unmount of romdisk of image, i.e., to disengage and to remove [romdisk] from the memory.

Example of the fastening:

romdisk - m /ram/rd.dsr /DS

/DS - this is the name of the directory, in which there will be it is found the files from [romdiska] - /ram/rd.dsr

Example of the removal of [romdiska]:

romdisk - u /DS

The same, system, is only natural the name of the file of [romdiska] not necessarily…

Passage upward.

Work with [arkhivatorom] of bzip2.

In principle in control this [arkhivator] is accurate of the same as gzip, is simple in it to eat more than additional options, if you do not know that they they designate, can not indicate them, they originally assigned a value, think by you they will not be necessary they. By the way in this [arkhivatora] the more best method of compression, but for the small files me seems better to use [arkhivator] of gzip.

Passage upward.

Passage on the directories:

Passage on the directories, is accomplished by a command cd

Originally as soon as DS was neglected, you are situated in the main directory, in this directory there are the directories:








The directory of dsc - this is automatically fastened [romdisk] with the scripts, it is possible to renew. Directory /rd this is [vstroenyy] [romdisk], in which are located different files utilized DS. Directory /ram this is working storage, in this directory you will produce different actions, this is generally your working directory. Directory /vmu this directory in which are located your maps of memory, for example if map is inserted into the slot A, then this will appear then: /vmu/a1 directory /cd this is the disk, inserted in GD -ROm Of dreamcast. Directory /cmd this cmd of path, [patch] with the commands, it is possible to renew. Directory /pty this is system directory, it is not necessary to you. Example of passage on the directories:

cd /vmu

Now you are situated in the directory /vmu if you you want to pass further for example in /a1 first you should write cd a1 i.e., not necessary to place slash at the beginning of the name directory, if you want to pass from directory /vmu to the directory of ram first you should write cd /ram (if stands in front slash, then program searches for directory in the main directory) or cd ../ram

Two points and slash : indicate they will be returned to one directory, if you for example want to return on 2 directories back that you should write ../../

Passage upward.

Command of exec

The command of exec achieves starting Of dreamcast of programs, they have a expansion of.bin

In this command of 2 paramount flags this is - bin for the starting of.bin of files and flag - elf for the starting of elf of files (thus far it does not work) and 2 secondary (not required) flag, this - addr and - return, the first makes it possible to start your program in that indicated by you address in the memory, but the second must return you in DS after the completion of the neglected program. This command starts unscrambled of.bin files, 1st_read.bin which you will find on any disk Of dreamcast this scrambled file, i.e., [samobutyashchiysya], for DS such is not necessary, it is possible to convert by the command of scramble. Examples of the starting of the programs:

exec - bin /ram/programma.bin

exec - bin /ram/programma.bin - addr of 0xac010000

exec - bin /ram/programma.bin - return

Passage upward.

Command of scramble

The command of scramble serves for the conversion of.bin of files from [samobutyashchegosya] (1st_read.bin) in the simple and vice versa, in this command of 2 flags this - s designates scramble and - d of descramble. In DS is generally necessary only the flag - d i.e., conversion into the simple file. Example:

scramble - d /cd/1ST_READ.BIN /ram/prog.bin

Is now in this command one additional method of conversion added, in order it to use it is necessary to add at the end 1, for old method 2 or anything not to place.

Passage upward.

Command of modem

With the aid of this command you will be able to connect two [drima] with each other and they will be connected to the Internet. Supported connections:

Remote Of mode c by number - bell to the modem through the telephone line.

Remote Of mode - connection is modem to the modem directly, without the telephone line.

Answer Of mode - expectation of bell from the telephone line.

PPP Of mode - connection to the Internet (provider).

After connection you can write each other of communication and send away files. All this is not unfortunately checked, since i do not have two DC. In this command to eat other flags:

- speed - The designation of the rate of connection.

- mode - To select pulse or tone collection.

- terminal - To open or to shut terminal.

- send - To send communication or file.

- dis - To open modem.

And do not forget that the use of each command you can look in DS itself, after collecting command without the flag.

Passage upward.

Modules Of dreamShell

Into DreamShell of the new generation were introduced the modules and processes, about the processes is later, and about the modules a little [popodrobnee].

Module has a expansion of.klf

In principle these are usual elf file, but in our case it does not bear additional libraries, they all already exist in DS itself.

In DreamShell Of service you will find SDK for developing such modules, in SDK are included the titles of libraries which are not in KOS, this zip, tolua, SDL (by chui), SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer, SDL_image, SDL_prim, SDL_gui - GUI API to SDL and even more different DS of function. All the remaining titles of standard functions, you can take from KOS.

So in SDK there are special libraries “of blende” for correct [linkovki] of elf of file.

Due to the fact that in DS already there are these [bilioteki], the compiled modules are obtained very small size and can be accomodated even on VMU.

For an example of use SDK for developing the modules, I altered Region Of changer of v1.5 under the modules DS, moreover this was given to me very easily, changes were literal in one function also of the addresses of the [podgruzhaemykh] resources.

Modules much more greatly give possibilities for developing the applications for DreamShell than of lua of script.

Are used modules by a command “of module”, with the aid of it you can load them, unload, look the list of modules and check against its presence. In order to look in greater detail collect in the console DS the command of module without the flags.

Passage upward.

Processes Of dreamShell

So into DreamShell of the new generation began the development of processes.

At the given moment this is complicated to name the acting version, but nevertheless there is [koe] that.

With the aid of the command of process you can create, destroy, look the list of processes. Processes can be several types, this dsc, lua and elf

I think and so already understandably that this means, besides elf, and elf this DreamShell module (.klf). Is so still provided the starting of others of a little elf of files - any.

In order to look in more detail about the command “of process”, collect it in the console DS without the flags.

Passage upward.

[installyatory] (install of file) into DreamShell.

We continue theme NG:)

The command “of install” governs [installyatorami] in DS.

[installyator] (install of file) into DreamShell has a expansion of.dsi

In the essence these are usual zip archive under control of lua of script, which is extracted by separately command itself for the working.

After you gave the command to [istallirovat] that or, the command “of install” extracts from the archive the file of ds_install.lua and it starts by its separate of lua by process.

All the remaining actions with the files of archive, make the already neglected script, possibilities in it even to much more than it is necessary for the script of [installyatora]:)

An example of the creation of the file of [installyatora] (.dsi) you can find in DreamShell Of service.

So command itself will recognize in what form to her they gave the file of [installyatora], it can be both usual and the converted in VMU file. Due to this is not necessary to convert the file of [installyatora] before the installation from VMU of file if it was [skachan] through Dreamcast DK/DP/PW browsers.

In order to look in more detail about the command “of install”, collect it in the console DS without the flags.

To be of continue…: ")

Your files for DreamShell, you can unload to the site with the aid of [aploadera], there you can take files unloaded by other users.

Passage upward.

Accessible commands into DreamShell XT v 0

Many commands have to eat still many flags, so that all that is here written this only for the acquaintance with the new version. In this list there are no additional commands, which to [berutsya] from CMD Of path or cmd of module.

“help” - the command of aid.

“about” - developers.

“ls” - the survey of the content of directory and size of files.

“cd” - passage on the directories.

“pwd” - to learn in what directory you are situated at the given moment.

“clear” - to clean text from console.

“echo” - the output of communication to the screen of console.

“cat” - to read text file and to show it in the console.

“hd” - are opened files in the regime of the hexadecimal code (Hex).

“cp” - to copy file.

“rm” - to remove file.

“rename” - to rename file.

“mkdir” - to create directory.

“rmdir” - to remove directory.

“romdisk” - to fasten or to remove [romdisk].

“exec” - the starting Of dreamcast of programs.

“periphs” - the survey of information about the periphery of that connected to DC.

“md” - to open the part of the memory in the regime of the [shestnadtsatiterichnogo] code (Hex).

“ogg” - the record player Of oggVorbis.

“mp3” - the record player Of mp3.

“wav” - the record player Of wav.

“vplay” - the record player of video.

“cdda” - the record player of musical disks.

“sleep” - delay in the console.

“dumpvmu” - to make backup of your VMU or to restore the existing dump.

“load_prog” - load of one of the [internalnykh] programs.

“vmuload” - the rapid charger of programs DC from VMU, [skachanykh] from the site

(unpacking, conversion and starting by one command).

“dscript” - to neglect DScript (DreamShell of script).

“lua” - to neglect LUA script.

“image” - To [prosotret] picture in the sizes of jpg, png, pcx, tga, bmp, xpm, pnm, gif, tif, xcf, lbm.

“anim” - to show the file DS of animation.

“vmcp” - the converter of simple file in VMU file and vice versa.

“dkp” - the converter of simple file into the file of browser DK/DP and vice versa.

“netcfg” - tuning network.

“scramble” - Scramble and unscramble DC of programs.

“screenshot” - to make [skrinshet] screen.

“mstats” - to look the statistics of the use of resources of memory.

“vmuicon” - to place [ikonku] on the screen VMU.

“cdr” - manager Gd -ROM'a.

“flashrom” - manager Flesch chip.

“hdd” - the manager of hard drive.

“readf” - to read the necessary to you part of the file.

“plusf” - to connect two files into one.

“statf” - to look the properties of file or directory.

“checkf” - to learn the size of file.

“if” - conditional statement.

“gz” - [Arkhivator] of gzip.

“bz2” - [Arkhivator] of bzip2.

“zip” - [Arkhivator] of zip.

“unzip” - [Raspakovshchik] of zip of archives.

“untgz” - [Raspakovshchik] of tgz of archives.

“modem” - the manager of modem connections.

“client” - client TCP/IP.

“server” - server TCP/IP.

“mserver” - multi server TCP/IP for the connection of several users.

“http_server” - http server.

“http_client” - http client, for the gallop of files on http.

“gethostbyname” - to learn the address of [khosta] to site.

“cmd” - the manager of commands.

“vid” - tuning and control of video of effects.

“lib” - [initializatsiya] or turning off of one of the libraries.

“module” - the manager of modules.

“syscfg” - system tuning.

“dc” - system commands DC.

“addr” - The manager of the addresses of memory.

“process” - The manager of the processes

“install” - command for [installirovaniya] DS of [installyatorov].


DreamShell NG v 0 (bz2, DiscJuggler of cdi of image)

DreamShell NG v 0 (tar.bz2, Plain of files)

DreamShell NG v 0 Beta (Nero of image)

DreamShell NG v PreAlpha (Source Of code) + OF DSS of v5.3 (no on the server)

DreamShell XT of v2.3.1 (Nero of image)

DreamShell XT of v2.3.0 (Nero of image) (The of full of version, is recommended)

DreamShell XT of v2.3.0 (Plain Of files)

DreamShell XT of v2.1.1 Of alpha2 of build 457 (Nero of image)

DreamShell XT of v2.1.1 Of alpha2 of build 457 (Plain Of files)

DreamShell XT of v2.0.0 Of alpha of build 280 (Nero of image)

DreamShell XT of v2.0.0 Of alpha of build 280 (Plain Of files)

DreamShell of v1.3.0 Of build 71 (Nero of image) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.2.3 (Bin Of files) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.2.2 Of release (Nero of image) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.2.1 (Nero of image) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.2.0 (Nero of image) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.1.8 (Bin) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.1.8 (Sbi) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.1.5 Of beta) (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.1.0 Of beta (no on the server)

DreamShell of v1.0.0 (no on the server)

DreamShell Of service of for PC

DreamShell on PC Of loader of v1.1

DreamShell Of service of update of from of v5.5 to of v5.6

DreamShell Of service of v5.5

Update of for Of dreamShell Of service of v4.5 to v5

DreamShell Of service of v4.5

DreamShell Of service of v4.0

DreamShell Of service of v3.0 (no on the server)

DreamShell Of service of v2.5 (no on the server)

DreamShell Of service of v2.0 (no on the server)

DreamShell Of service of v1.0 (Win32) (no on the server)

Programms of for DS

User files can be found here


Text Of editor of v0.1 Of alpha (Download PC DC Of source of code) Relnotes

GUI shell for DreamShell (Download of source of code) Relnotes

Region Of changer of v1.5 (Download DC PC) Relnotes

User files can be found here


Update of v1.0 (for v 0) Relnotes

Other of files of for DS

User files can be found here

Files for VMU, rock from the browsers Of planetweb, DK and DP.

Passage upward.

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