XBMC 17-12-2007 SVN rev11025 build - T3CH


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Nouvelle version de XBMC 2.0.1, lecteur multimédia pour Xbox qu'on ne présente plus.

Pour rappel, XBMC n'utilise plus le système CVS mais SVN pour la gestion des sources. De même, les versions T3CH intègrent désormais la version XBMC Win32 PC environment (fichier .exe) dont nous vous expliquions le fonctionnement sur cet article.

Voici le changelog de cette version:

Citation :

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pike's Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN pre0.99.2 rev1772 [scripts/Apple Movie Trailers]

- EnderW & Blittan's XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts/XBMCScripts]

- Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5.5 rev1637 SCRIPT [scripts/XBMC Lyrics]

- Asteron's Tetris 1.1 SCRIPT [scripts/Tetris]

- Nuka1195's T3CH Downloader SCRIPT rev1450 [scripts/T3CH Downloader]

- Nuka1195 & Dataratt's AOL Videos Plugin 1.1.1 [plugins/video/AOL Videos Plugin]

- Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/*]

- PM3 Red Theme + PM3 Blue Theme by Jezz_X

- AMT including it's bundled plugins updated to rev1772.

- fixed: Use pool.ntp.org for timeserver address, thanks to DrDDT.

- 2007-12-16 11025 added: contextmenu item for smartplaylists to play the playlist in partymode

- 2007-12-16 11024 added: XBMC.PlayerControl builtin can now start partymode with a specific smartplaylist, XBMC.PlayerControl(PartyMode(q:userdataplaylistsmusic80s.xsp))

- 2007-12-16 11023 added: XBMC.PlayMedia builtin can now play smartplaylists

- 2007-12-16 11016 fixed: assignment operator in CFileItem/CGUIListItem didn't assign all members (eg m_mapProperties) attempt 2 tongue.gif

- 2007-12-16 11015 fixed: assignment operator in CFileItem/CGUIListItem didn't assign all members (eg m_mapProperties)

- 2007-12-16 11014 added: Lyrics support for tagging. Available via the Song Information Dialog (via listitem.property(lyrics)) or the musicplayer (musicplayer.lyrics), and reported via httpapi. Thanks to evildude.

- 2007-12-16 11013 fixed: Use pool.ntp.org for timeserver address, thanks to DrDDT.

- 2007-12-16 11012 added: Lyrics support for tagging. Available via the Song Information Dialog (via listitem.property(lyrics)) or the musicplayer (musicplayer.lyrics), and reported via httpapi. Thanks to evildude.

- 2007-12-15 11010 added: Workaround to restrict music tag loader (files view) to one thread until it's made threadsafe.

- 2007-12-15 11008 changed: Handling of mouse focus event on visualisation and video controls (they aren't focusable, so everything should unfocus).

- 2007-12-15 11006 changed: Container.ViewType -> Container.ViewMode (consistency).

- 2007-12-15 11005 changed: Don't use exif thumbs for jpegs as the quality is not good enough.

- 2007-12-15 11004 fixed: crashes due to buffer overruns in libexif.dll

- 2007-12-14 11002 fixed: Oriented largeimages (via exif orientation) would be drawn in the wrong aspect ratio.

- 2007-12-14 11001 fixed: Scrolling labels with
(and possibly

- 2007-12-14 10995 fixed: Ignore r line breaking in labels.

- 2007-12-13 10991 added: Font scaling (aspect ratio correct) for differing resolutions. In theory, there is no need for separate font.xml files per resolution anymore (other than wide/nonwide variants possibly).

- 2007-12-13 10982 changed: Plugin settings added "mask" attribute for the browse settings changed: a few CStdString variable assignments Thanks JMarshall

- 2007-12-12 10973 changed: use Replace("/", "") instead of RemoveSlashAtEnd() changed: added "fileenum" plugin setting type with optional "mask". this setting is filled automatically based on the mask and path you set with the "values" attribute. the path is based on your plugins current directory. Use / for your mask to return only folders eg

- 2007-12-11 10972 fixed: removed some glitz/glamour in return for consistent returns, also cast credit order restored and works perfectly now thanks to recent patch #10957.

- 2007-12-11 10969 Updated
(Simple) Language File (based on english 10901) thanks to pcman

- 2007-12-11 10968 Updated Spanish Langauge file thanks to jose_t Updated Icelandic Langauge file thanks to kristjan Updated/fixed polish language file based on english rev. 10901 thanks to napek Updated Maltese Langauge file thanks to michelbugeja Updated German strings based on rev 10710 thanks to asciiii

- 2007-12-11 10964 changed: UpdateVisibility() routine now uses CGUIListItem* instead of using void*.

- 2007-12-11 10963 merged: Various guilib features from the linuxport branch including listitem properties, container.hasnext/hasprevious and system.platform.*, plus numerous fixes.

- 2007-12-10 10959 fixed: More looping fun in IMDb.cpp

- 2007-12-10 10957 fixed: Don't allow choice of invalid thumbnail URLs from Set/GetThumb

- 2007-12-10 10955 fixed: First Episode result returned by scraper is ignored when scanning in tvshows, thanks to BriPeace. (merged from linuxport)

- 2007-12-10 10951 fixed: small typo in mtv scraper

- 2007-12-10 10949 fixed: Visible conditions inside containers weren't updated every frame.

- 2007-12-10 10948 fixed: Sanity check in case memory is incredibly low in image loader (unlikely)

- 2007-12-10 10947 fixed: Potential memory leaks in ImageLib.dll when memory is low.

- 2007-12-10 10946 fixed: Don't display
is empty.

- 2007-12-09 10945 fixed: Fadelabel control would switch to the next item whenever the current item changed contents (eg Player.Time)

- 2007-12-09 10944 fixed: Crash with 2 filebrowsers on screen (eg Add Source -> Add Network Server -> Browse)

download.gif XBMC 17-12-2007 SVN rev11025 build - T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.com

Lien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=5040

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