XBMC 17-11-2007 SVN rev10770 build - T3CH


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Nouvelle version de XBMC 2.0.1, lecteur multimédia pour Xbox qu'on ne présente plus.

Pour rappel, XBMC n'utilise plus le système CVS mais SVN pour la gestion des sources. De même, les versions T3CH intègrent désormais la version XBMC Win32 PC environment (fichier .exe) dont nous vous expliquions le fonctionnement sur cet article.

Voici le changelog de cette version :

Citation :

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pike's Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN pre0.99.2 rev1696 [scripts/Apple Movie Trailers]

- EnderW & Blittan's XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts/XBMCScripts]

- Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5.5 rev1637 SCRIPT [scripts/XBMC Lyrics]

- Asteron's Tetris 1.1 SCRIPT [scripts/Tetris]

- Nuka1195's T3CH Downloader SCRIPT rev1450 [scripts/T3CH Downloader]

- Nuka1195 & Dataratt's AOL Videos Plugin 1.0 [plugins/video/AOL Videos Plugin]

- Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/*]

- PM3 Red Theme + PM3 Blue Theme by Jezz_X

- AMT updated to rev1696, XBMC Lyrics updated to rev1637, AOL Videos Plugin updated to "a newer one".

- 2007-11-17 10770 changed: Removed VideoPlayer.IsInLibrary and replaced with VideoPlayer.HasInfo to be a bit more universal (attempt 2)

- 2007-11-17 10769 changed: Removed VideoPlayer.IsInLibrary and replaced with VideoPlayer.HasInfo to be a bit more universal.

- 2007-11-16 10768 fixed: httpapi was flaky when debugging - extended sleep was being inadvertently bypassed

- 2007-11-16 10767 fixed: Context menus in plugins in the video library were not correct.

- 2007-11-16 10766 Fixed : PM3 Video Plot would flash all over the screen in non video info view

- 2007-11-16 10765 changed: Justify paragraphs separately within textboxes.

- 2007-11-16 10764 fixed: compile warning.

- 2007-11-16 10763 added: label2 support to button controls in python, thanks to Nuka1195.

- 2007-11-16 10762 added: content type to plugins, thanks to Nuka1195.

- 2007-11-16 10761 added: repeat time and action to textbox autoscrolling.

- 2007-11-16 10760 fixed: Last content of filename filtering wasn't picked up correctly if a separator was missing from the end.

- 2007-11-16 10759 fixed: make sure dvdplayer flushes subtitle decoder on seeks

- 2007-11-15 10758 added: proper detection of if stream is on local LAN changed: mplayer now only prefills cache to 5% when file is on HD or local LAN, should allow quick startup even with rather large cache.

- 2007-11-15 10757 added: filename filtering for tagless music files via advancedsettings.xml. See the online manual for setup details.

- 2007-11-15 10756 fixed: navigation in skin settings & english string. changed: few fixes to the way scrollbars and autoscroll work together, using the extra width if no scrollbar is required due to not exceeding the textbox

- 2007-11-15 10754 changed: Increased the inter-word spacing in justification slightly, and made it easier to tweak.

- 2007-11-15 10752 added: "justify" text alignment, and
support to textbox.

- 2007-11-15 10751 added: Enable AutoScroll for Plot & Review accessible from Skin Settings (default disabled)

- 2007-11-14 10750 changed: Plug-in settings now have an option "enable" attribute to enable a setting based on the value of another setting. format: comparator(controls relative pos, value to compare) comparators are: "eq"=equal to, "!eq"=not equal to, "gt"=greater than, "lt"=less than only and "+" is supported currently, separate comaparisons with "+" minus quotes. eg: enable="gt(-1,3) + !eq(-2,0)"

- 2007-11-14 10749 added: Autoscroll support to textboxes. Use

- 2007-11-14 10748 changed: DialogAlbumInfo.xml now uses smooth scrolling + scrollbars, track list is now a listcontrol. tested in 16x9 & 4x3.

- 2007-11-14 10744 changed: DialogVideoInfo.xml to reflect recent addition of smooth scrolling (if users disables scrollbars then use extra width to display more information and use spincontrols) tested in 16x9 & 4x3.

- 2007-11-14 10743 added: dvb subtitle support in mpeg-ts streams for dvdplayer added: subtitle delay adjustment support to dvdplayer

- 2007-11-14 10741 added: Textbox now scrolls smoothly, using
like panels and lists.

- 2007-11-13 10740 fixed: Filtering on image controls while vis was rendering.

- 2007-11-13 10737 fixed: missed an animation effect on last commit in MyVideoNav.xml

- 2007-11-13 10736 added: buttons for love/hate Last.FM so you can add your favourite tracks to loved or ban them from playing altogether, will appear only when playing Last.FM radio.

- 2007-11-13 10735 changed: make PM3 use fading of video preview window

- 2007-11-13 10734 changed: allow videowindow to be alphablended, allows fadein/fadeout of the preview window

- 2007-11-13 10733 fixed: if plot summary is empty, show 'Not Available' in media views instead of nothing. fixed: exact matches now shows aka titles, now consistent with non-exact matches when using a manual lookup.

- 2007-11-13 10732 changed: Plug-in settings, spinner control values can now be localized. use lvalues instead of values and saves the spinner position instead of the label.

- 2007-11-12 10731 fixed: fadelabels > labels + scroll in music vis 16x9 fixes labels not being reset on track changes.

- 2007-11-12 10730 fixed: typo

- 2007-11-12 10729 changed: Python can now call the httpapi config command without the WebServer running

- 2007-11-12 10728 fixed: cosmetic issue some imdb meta used

<div style="margin-left:25px"> (year) rather than </div> <title> <div style="margin-left:25px"> / (year) so you could end up with </div> <title> <div style="margin-left:25px"> (year) ()</div> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-12 10727 changed: previous did not return results split with roman numerals eg (2006/I) (2006/II) meaning 2 movies released with the same name in the same year.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-12 10725 changed: modified the non-exact results on imdb lookup useful for asian titles on imdb returns "</div></p> <title><year><div style="margin-left:25px"> aka </div> <foo><div style="margin-left:25px">" still only currently stores the original foreign title in db. Also shows media type (V),(VG),(TV) - Video, Video Game, Television. added: defaultFile.png for unknown filetypes (cannot see why it was unused/commented? no problems when testing requested by Jezz_X)</div> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-12 10723 updated: German language file by sCAPe (Based on english strings version 10705)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10722 updated: Swedish language file by blittan (based on english 10705)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10721 Fixed : PM3 Cast list and its page control in video info dialog was out of alignment when scollbars are turned off in skin settings</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10720 fixed: some IMPA thumbs were missed due to IMDb not formatting some url links correctly (very few mind you)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10716 changed: CLocalizeStrings::Load now takes an option fallback path (defaults to "Q:languageenglishstrings.xml") changed: XBMC will still load if a language file other than english is required, but is corrupt changed: Plug-ins settings now uses english as a fallback path for language strings changed: Plug-ins user settings path is now "P:plugin_data[video|music|pictures|programs]plugin namesettings.xml (needed to be sure it stays compatible with the xbox file system) changed: More options to plug-ins settings and programs mask changed: "Plugin Settings" only appears in context menu, if a plugin supports it (has a resources/settings.xml file)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10714 fixed: lastfm unlove/unban contextmenuitems didn't appear in fileview mode.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10713 added: last.fm track love now also sets local rating to 5 if the song has been scanned to the database and hasn't been rated yet.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10712 fixed: IMDb thumb failed to work if no thumbs existed on impawards & movieposterdb as the regexp failed.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-11 10710 fixed: Manually add to library genre selection showed the wrong list.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-10 10709 fixed: 2nd time lucky (regexp for ordering of covers (US,Others,Non Flagged) changed: filebrowser dialog as old one although appealing only served a purpose on list controls.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-10 10708 fixed: buffers were passed in wrong order... now correct for MoviePosterDB (US,others then untagged countries)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-10 10707 changed: IMDb scraper now gathers thumbs from IMDb > IMPAwards > MoviePostersDB, and are listed in the following order... IMPAwards (if thumb exists) then (MoviePosterDB - US posters then other countrys then non flagged (if thumb exists), then IMDb. changed: actors are scraped with thumbs first then without. fixes non valid urls (blank thumb)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-10 10705 added: last.fm recently loved and banned to last.fm directory + unlove/unban (contextmenu)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-10 10704 changed: Make sure 2nd button label is truncated if too long in settings buttons.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-10 10703 fixed: Plugin settings wouldn't function in library view (or if they weren't a source in files view).</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-10 10702 changed: Plugin settings now can use the file browse dialog. changed: You can now also have a separator changed: cleaned up some code, thanks jmarshall *see the stickied thread in the forums</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-09 10701 fixed: contextmenu checking for pluginfolder crash if focus was not on an item.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-09 10700 Added: httpapi config command now returns an error message if the webserver is not on</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-09 10699 added: xbmc.lastfm.love built-in, all songs that can be submitted to last.fm can be loved, optional parameter (false) = direct loving without confirmationdialog. added: xbmc.lastfm.ban built-in, only songs that are playing on last.fm radio can be banned, optional parameter (false) = direct banning without confirmationdialog. added: lastfm.radioplaying boolean-condition added: lastfm.canlove boolean-condition added: lastfm.canban boolean-condition</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-09 10698 Added: Thumbnail parameter to the WebServer's Config AddBookmark command (using asg's patch)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-08 10697 Changed : Tidied up the Plugin settings dialog layout</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-08 10696 fixed: XBMC_PC linking errors</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-08 10695 added: Plug-in settings, back ported from the linux branch.(Thanks Yuvalt)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-08 10694 fixed: many rar files failed to decoder properly due to hack to reduce memory usage of PPM decoder. new hack in place that tries successively smaller buffer sizes, till allocation succeds. this means that some more rar files may decode. the big issue is the high required memory consumption to decode. this could potentially be improved by using non commited virtual memory, and committing when needing.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-08 10693 changed: removed unused SetObject function of filesystem added: placeholder for players/gui to get information about filesystem cache</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-07 10691 changed: CFileCache now nolong does rebuffering of data. stalling in input stream cases players to lockup. rebuffering must be handled in player.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-07 10689 fixed: windows file handles are not thread safe if shared between threads, so use standard ints for file position instead (yes still not thread safe but better)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-07 10688 fixed: make sure no rendering is done from player thread if it claims it is paused</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-07 10687 changed: never do any recaching on dvd, they are too complicated to know when it is correct to do.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-06 10685 added: dvdplayer now pauses to rebuffer it's full cache if it runs out of buffer during playback.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-06 10684 fixed: while transitioning between paused and non paused state, osd would often flicker when using dvdplayer</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-06 10683 added : French version of tvdb scraper (thanks to bilbon0bud)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-05 10682 added: Top 250 to DialogVideoInfo (this value can change but only as much as the current ratings/votes)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-04 10681 cosmetic: avoid having a large section of code in a brace instead of just breakíng out of while.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-04 10680 fixed: possible null pointer dereference (backported from linux branch)</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-04 10679 cosmetic: removed unused variable</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-04 10678 changed: removed unused variable</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-04 10677 fixed: alternative method (hack) to allow IMDb thumbs to be scraped & accessible regardless of IMPAwards results.</div></p> <p><div style="margin-left:25px">- 2007-11-04 10676 fixed: finally! not used anyway currently but top250 is not a string and was being scraped incorrectly.</div></p> <p></p></foo></year>

download.gif XBMC 17-11-2007 SVN rev10770 build - T3CH

homesite.gif  Site officiel : http://www.xboxmediacenter.com

Lien vers article original : http://gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=5035

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